Pedro Albizu Campos, the Movie…the results are in

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony


The poll results are in.

Over 260,000 people viewed the survey about War Against All Puerto Ricans…the movie.

Over 550 comments came in. 

Many of them offered ideas for the casting, music, and director of the movie.

Here are the results:

Marc Anthony was the top choice, for the role of Pedro Albizu Campos.

Benicio Del Toro was a close second, followed by Esai Morales and Teófilo Torres.

Here are the other top choices:

Benicio Del Toro for Luís Muñoz Marín

Rosario Dawson for Laura Meneses, the wife of Don Pedro

Míriam Colón for Aunt Rosa, who raised Don Pedro as a child

Luís Guzmán for Vidal Santiago Díaz, the heroic Nationalist barber

Esai Morales for Gilberto Concepción de Gracia, the founder of PIP

Sandra Bullock and Reese Witherspoon were tied for Ruth Reynolds

Bruno Mars for “Goyito” Hernandez, who survived the attack on La Fortaleza

Michael Chiklis of Fantastic Four fame, for FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

Andy Garcia for Dr. Orlando Daumy, the Cuban radiologist

For director, Oliver Stone was the most frequent choice. Jacobo Morales was also frequently mentioned.

For music, the recordings of Marc Anthony (Preciosa, Lamento Borincano) topped the list. The music of Roy Brown, Ramito, José Feliciano, and Rafael Hernández (he wrote Preciosa, Lamento Borincano) were often mentioned.

I have a modest suggestion.

During a lighter moment in the story…even in the background, playing on a little TV set in a bodega, I’d love to see a few moments of this clip with Myrta Silva:            

Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey.

Someday soon, War Against All Puerto Ricans will be on the big screen.

The world will know about Pedro Albizu Campos, the Nationalist Party, and their struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico.

For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

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12 Comments on “Pedro Albizu Campos, the Movie…the results are in

  1. This would be better as an episodic series! Theres so many intertwining characters and information to be shared. One movie wouldn’t do it justice!


  2. easily a two part film like El Che, no lees than that to cover as much history as posible. Teofilo is the Pedro Albizu Campos..whoever disagrees havent seen him or just started with the wrong ideas for such an important film…


  3. Si desean que se comparte la historia en la pantalla grande, lo que hace falta es dinero. Y si quieren hacer realidad este sueño? Hagan un “croudfunding” invitando artistas y personas influyentes tanto de aquí y afuera que participen y endosen este sueño. Pie si en tantas personas alrededor del mundo de Naciones diversas que guardan el patrimonio de esta gran nación como si fuera de ellos. Dicen que cuando deseas algo, lo pones en propósito y lo crees como hecho, deja toda preocupación que el camino se revelará. Exito y cuenta con mi apoyo y participación!


  4. I’d love to work in this documentary for free. To me, Don Pedro is a national hero!!


  5. We are 72 billion in debt now we want to make a movie on the man Pedro. Why aren’t these actors who were chosen here speak up for Puerto Rico and put some money out there to help Puerto Rico… One day we might be those people they speak yeah I remember there was a people called Puerto Ricans just like Tainos and Jibaros


  6. Mr. Denis
    Don’t forget our beautiful mountains, El Yunque, our rich Nature, beaches, with the
    “Typical Jibaro Music” of our people.
    With the original instruments,
    El Cuatro- Tiples – Bordonuas – El guiro, etc
    I remember the scene from the movie “Gandhi”, that was unforgetable (among many), when Gandhi return home to India after studying a broad and travels across his Country discovering his people, the villages and land.
    What Beautiful Nature Scenes! Beautiful Music!


  7. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    “Someday soon, War Against All Puerto Ricans will be on the big screen.
    The world will know about Pedro Albizu Campos, the Nationalist Party, and their struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico.”


  8. I’m a fan of Marc Anthony and think he would do alright but Esai Morales would be great. He has the range to pull it off I believe. Although I also believe that a Puerto Rican should play Don Pedro I can’t help but think that Michael Pena would do a fantastic job as well. Luis Guzman as Vidal? Never thought of it but that would be a great choice. Paul Calderon, Amaury Nolasco Garrido or Ramon Rodriguez would also do a fantastic job as well in my opinion


  9. Crazy list so many good people for these great roles. While I dig Marc Anthony for the role of Don Pedro I would think Esai Morales would be perfect. Although I believe that a Puerto Rican should play Don Pedro I can’t help but think that Michael Pena would do a fantastic job as well. Also I never though of Luis Guzman as Vidal but that could be awesome.


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