The Truthout Article: No More Colonialism in Puerto Rico

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony


The news organization TRUTHOUT has a major article this week, which denounces the colonial condition of Puerto Rico. The article discusses the Jones Act, the Financial Control Board, Operation Bootstrap, US tax policy, and offers specific solutions to the island’s current fiscal crisis. 

The article was written by the author of War Against All Puerto Ricans. Here it is, in its entirety:

After 118 years as a US territory, Puerto Rico is still struggling to build its own economy. Students, teachers, and union workers repeatedly demonstrate all over the island, but the news is rarely reported by the US “mainstream” media.


It is time for the US media to admit that a humanitarian crisis is growing in Puerto Rico.  

For this reason, we thank the editors and the board of directors at Truthout, for running this article on the colonial reality in Puerto Rico.


For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

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6 Comments on “The Truthout Article: No More Colonialism in Puerto Rico

  1. Lean el documento del 2001 Mineral Undiscovered Ocurrences in Puerto Rico. # USGS OPEN FILE 98-38(2001). En el subdocumento “Graphics” va a encontrar desde la página 26 que tenemos 680,000,000 de TONELADAS MÉTRICAS de 8 metales. La “deuda” es el acomodo para la futura explotación de esos recursos.


  2. Thank God after 118 long n agonizing years of being held captive by our USA has colonialism reachd the press. Its time! Its time we take steps cauz after 118 yrs we r still a afterthought in their eyes n gripz


  3. While USA tries to amend past errors, and injustices against our sister island of Cuba. With there colony of Puerto Rico, they don’t move a finger to stop colonialism in Puerto Rico, This, after erasing from the list of colonies the name of Puerto Rico by lying to the United Nations decolonization committed, in 1953..


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