War Against All Puerto Ricans Receives One Million Hits

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony

– August 18, 2015 

War Against All Puerto Ricans was published in April 2015, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the passing of El Maestro, Don Pedro Albizu Campos. 

On April 21, the anniversary date of Don Pedro’s passing, we gave a special broadcast with Congressman José Serrano, Juan Gonzalez and Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!

Nelson A Denis - Democracy Now

The War Against All Puerto Ricans web site went live on April 7, 2015…the same day that the book was published by Nation Books. 

It offers an introduction to the book, an outline of the 20th century history of Puerto Rico, and nearly one hundred photos and videos from 1898 until today, documenting the “American Century” in Puerto Rico. 

We also created a daily blog, that discusses current day issues in Puerto Rico. 

What we didn’t expect was the overwhelming response…as of today (August 18, 2015), the web site has received over one million unique visitors. 

This readership, in just over four months, is further proof that Puerto Ricans are highly aware of their heritage, and deeply concerned about the future of their island.

In addition to one million readers, the blog within the web site has developed a strong internal following – a community that cares about Puerto Rico, and the future of their island. 

Here are the Top Five blog subjects that our readers responded to: 

The Deep Secret, of the Puerto Rican Day Parade – 264,477 readers 

New York Times Agrees: No More Jones Act in Puerto Rico! – 247,823 readers 

Wall Street Makes Sure that Puerto Ricans CANNOT Afford Any Water – 199,308 readers 

The Man Who Stole Puerto Rico – 42,850 readers 

U.S. Government Prepares to STRANGLE Puerto Rico – 31,340 readers

Today, we want to thank all our readers for building this web site into a real community…where people share ideas, agree, disagree, and grow together.

We will continue building this community, and defending the interests of Puerto Rico… 

The island that we came from, the childhood we all share, the country that we love and protect.

Nelson Denis

10 Comments on “War Against All Puerto Ricans Receives One Million Hits

  1. Nelson, during our Casabe Board Meetings, I always found your comments to be thought provoking, and to serve as catalysts for change. This book mirrors those board room moments and encapsulates our struggles cogently. Thank you! Another area of investigation that Puerto Ricans need to attend to and address, is the collective emphasis that other Latino groups now place on ostracizing and discrediting Puerto Ricans at all stratums levels, and their efforts to show the American Public that they are different from, and do not care to live, amongst Puerto Ricans in the United States.


  2. Edwin,
    Thank you for your support. The Spanish-language book comes out on November 24 and the audio book comes out next week, on August 24.

    I really appreciate your sharing our history. ¡Hay que regarla!



  3. Hola Nelson:
    I understand that based on your several visits thoughtout the U.S. & Puerto Rico, you have become aware of various historical dates & facts that you plan to include during your next revised edition. Please let us know when the 2nd edition will be available. Truly admire and respect your willingness to provide accuracy in presenting the History of Puerto Rico & about Puerto Ricans in Borinquen, throughout the states of the U.S. Of A. and throughout the Puerto Rican Diaspora worldwide!


  4. Thank you, Mr. Denis for doing all this, we needed it.
    Also April 7, is the day that the young poet Hugo Margenat Mediavilla passed away at the age of 24 in 1957. He deeply care and believe in an independent Puerto Rico.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This book has been like a boost on our struggle against the colonialism.

    We were needing something to reactivate that fighting spirit that every real independentista has.

    Thank you for that, Mr. Denis.


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