Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reveals “How Business is Done” in Washington, D.C.

Book - 12-10

In 2010, the Citizens United decision by the US Supreme Court, opened the door for anonymous and unlimited election spending by corporations: and by the wealthy people who own them.

For nearly a decade, this unlimited money has been funneled through super PACs: Political Action Committees which distribute millions (even billions) of dollars to “cooperative” US senators, congresspersons, governors and state legislators throughout the country.

Last week, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pulled the curtain on this scheme…in a way that our entire nation could understand.

Here is how she did it:

This is one of AOC’s unique and powerful gifts: like Norma Rae, Ana Maria Polo, and Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, she speaks simply and directly…in terms that everyone can understand and identify with.

Citizens United is being applied cynically and aggressively in Puerto Rico.

The island needs to see the immensity, and the urgency, of what AOC has just dramatized for them.

Here are some examples, of how money and media are destroying Puerto Rico:

Three cheers for AOC…Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a gladiator in the US Congress.

For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

Si prefiere ver la página web en español por favor visite:

16 Comments on “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reveals “How Business is Done” in Washington, D.C.

  1. Come close. Hear some truth.

    This is how it happened, y’all…

    When Obama was president, when Barry the Democrat was president, when a BLACK! man was president, millions and millions and millions of businesses got together, using Skype or something, and colluded to keep the economy down.

    What I’m saying is this… Obama’s failed economy had nothing to do with the burdens of Obamacare or all those regulations or him always running around threatening to raise taxes.
    Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
    It was a plot.
    A conspiracy.
    And after the Republican won, these very same business owners reconvened around a giant table, like the table SPECTRE uses, but bigger cuz there are millions of them, and said, Okay, now we hire! And then, they all sat around and laughed maniacally, like Dr. Evil as fluoride poured into the drinking water.

    Come close. Hear some truth.

    This is how it happened, y’all…

    When Obama was president, when Barry the Democrat was president, when a BLACK! man was president, millions and millions and millions of businesses got together, using Skype or something, and colluded to keep the economy down.

    What I’m saying is this… Obama’s failed economy had nothing to do with the burdens of Obamacare or all those regulations or him always running around threatening to raise taxes.
    Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
    It was a plot.
    A conspiracy.
    And after the Republican won, these very same business owners reconvened around a giant table, like the table SPECTRE uses, but bigger cuz there are millions of them, and said, Okay, now we hire! And then, they all sat around and laughed maniacally, like Dr. Evil as fluoride poured into the drinking water.

    * La Administración de Obama, la administración presidencial de los Estados Unidos más criminal y corrupta en la historia de los Estados Unidos.
    Contrabandeo de armas al Medioriente-gate
    Fast & Furious-gate
    Foundation PayXPlay-gate…. etc.. plus 10 mas gates..

    No hay logros positivos notables..quizas Premio Nobel de la Paz sin ninguna razon


  2. Responding to ( Eduardo ) your March 29, 2019 post:

    I don’t think AOC has ever lived/been raised on the island for any length of significant time. And, unfortunately that is part of her strength. Yes, she got conditioned by her parents here in the U.S. w/regard to things PR. But, her perspective and most importantly, her constitution was unaffected by the “disease” of hopelessness and despair that has permeated the island for at least the last 54 years ( 1965 the year PAC died ). And, largely because of that lack of exposure, her self esteem stayed intact. More importantly, her dignity wasn’t affected. You might compare her experience as being an exile, without really being one; and fighting like one who was whom has returned to her land; without having returned to her land of origin. So, it’s a tenacity the islander’s might want to emulate.

    It is NOT islander PR’s choice to become a state, or ELA. Why? They have absolutely no control in any way over that call. Have you not been paying attention or reading your history?? The only REAL way out, is by becoming independent, or remaining a colony. However, the islander PR’s choose to get there, IS their choice, entirely. It’s their only choice. It’s also their choice on how they want to go about it: The Ghandi method to an all out violent revolution like what took place in Cuba and other parts of the world. Again, it’s the only choice that the PR’s have control over. The question remains: Do they have the guts? Up to this day, the answer seems to be a resounding: No. Lot’s of unconquered fear, however. So, really, the islander PR’s don’t have a right to complain at all. IF you keep believing in an overlord that has consistently lied, mistreated and abused you for well over 120 years…. I’m sorry, but something’s wrong with you. And, that’s exactly how “they” want you to feel. Brings you down even more. To the point where nothing is really left. Which is where things have been for a long time.

    Use, if you can, AOC’s example as a springboard to get things moving in the right direction on the island.


  3. Responding to Eduardo’s March 29, 2019 post:

    I don’t think AOC has ever lived/been raised on the island for any length of significant time. And, unfortunately that is part of her strength. Yes, she got conditioned by her parents here in the U.S. w/regard to things PR. But, her perspective and most importantly, her constitution was unaffected by the “disease” of hopelessness and despair that has permeated the island for at least the last 54 years ( 1965 the year PAC died ). And, largely because of that lack of exposure, her self esteem stayed intact. More importantly, her dignity wasn’t affected. You might compare her experience as being an exile, without really being one; and fighting like one who was whom has returned to her land; without having returned to her land of origin. So, it’s a tenacity the islander’s might want to emulate.

    It is NOT islander PR’s choice to become a state, or ELA. Why? They have absolutely no control in any way over that call. Have you not been paying attention or reading your history?? The only REAL way out, is by becoming independent, or remaining a colony. However, the islander PR’s choose to get there, IS their choice, entirely. It’s their only choice. It’s also their choice on how they want to go about it: The Ghandi method to an all out violent revolution like what took place in Cuba and other parts of the world. Again, it’s the only choice that the PR’s have control over. The question remains: Do they have the guts? Up to this day, the answer seems to be a resounding: No. Lot’s of unconquered fear, however. So, really, the islander PR’s don’t have a right to complain at all. IF you keep believing in an overlord that has consistently lied, mistreated and abused you for well over 120 years…. I’m sorry, but something’s wrong with you. And, that’s exactly how “they” want you to feel. Brings you down even more. To the point where nothing is really left. Which is where things have been for a long time.

    Use, if you can, AOC’s example as a springboard to get things moving in the right direction on the island.


  4. Responding to your March 29, 2019 post:

    I don’t think AOC has ever lived/been raised on the island for any length of significant time. And, unfortunately that is part of her strength. Yes, she got conditioned by her parents here in the U.S. w/regard to things PR. But, her perspective and most importantly, her constitution was unaffected by the “disease” of hopelessness and despair that has permeated the island for at least 54 years ( 1965 the year PAC died ). And, largely because of that lack of exposure, her self esteem stayed in tact. More importantly, her dignity wasn’t affected. You might compare her experience as being an exile, without really being one, and fighting like one who was whom has returned to her land; without having returned to her land of origin. So, it’s a tenacity the islander’s might want to emulate.

    It is NOT islander PR’s choice to become a state, or ELA. Why? They have absolutely no control in any way over that call. Have you not been paying attention or reading your history?? The only REAL way out is by becoming independent. However, the islander PR’s choose to get there, IS there choice, entirely. It’s their only choice. It’s also their choice on how they want to go about it: The Ghandi method to an all out violent revolution like what took place in Cuba and other parts of the world. Again, it’s the only choice that the PR’s have control over. The question remains: Do they have the guts? Up to this day, the answer seems to be a resounding: No. Lot’s of unconquered fear, though. So, really, the islander PR’s don’t have a right to complain at all. IF you keep believing in an overlord that has consistently lied, mistreated and abused you for well over 120 years…. I’m sorry, but something’s wrong with you. And, that’s exactly how “they” want you to feel. Brings you down even more. To the point where nothing is really left. This has been the state of mind of the island since the death of PAC.

    Use, if you can, use AOC’s example as a springboard to get things moving in the right direction on the island.


  5. Estas son los 15 fundamentos de America :
    1. Los extranjeros ilegales están aquí ilegalmente.
    2. El empleo pro-doméstico es indispensable.
    3. Un ejército fuerte es esencial.
    4. Los Intereses Especiales deben ser eliminados.
    5. La posesión de armas es sagrada.
    6. El gobierno debe ser reducido.
    7.El Presupuesto Nacional debe ser equilibrado.
    8. El gasto del Déficit debe terminar.
    9. Los planes de rescate y estímulo son ilegales.
    10. Reducir los impuestos sobre la renta personal es una necesidad.
    11. Reducir los impuestos sobre la renta de las empresas es obligatorio.
    12. Las oficinas políticas deben estar disponibles para los ciudadanos promedio.
    13.El gobierno intrusivo debe ser detenido.
    14. Se requiere el inglés como idioma principal.
    15. Hay que alentar los valores familiares tradicionales.


  6. Saludos amigo Eduardo,

    Totally agreed to have a decent and a respecfull dialogue. Keep in mind that I do not represent any political party or any political ideology. I represent the Kingdom of God, I am an ambassador from that Kingdom. This doesn’t imply that I don’t get involve in politics. On the contrary we promote different approach based on respect and justice. God is very interested in politics, He always has been interested. We that clear, count with me.


  7. Hola Pat
    Gracias por compartir tus puntos de vista .
    Los independentistas no llegan ni al 4% de apoyo popular debido a que la mitad quiere ser Estado y la otra mitad quiere estado Asociado por Commonwealth.
    I agree with you that AOC should move back to her heritage island were she is really from and run as for the first PRESIDENT ever of Puerto Rico and make it a GREEN country runned by windmills .
    She also mentioned that she would bring all of the foreign central anercan detainees currently being held in the U.S.-Mexico border over to P.R. in order to keep them over there for good and have them harvest the agriculture and blessed fruitful land in the island which had been abandoned for year by the locals .
    Its Puerto Rican’s choice to become either a “Colonia, Estado Libre Asociado,Estado de la Union o ser Independientes”..


  8. It’s too bad AOC isn’t Governor of the island. She could mobilize the place like nobody could. I recently heard the Mayor of Ponce and the Gov. of the island, essentially beg the U.S. to not cut back on the food stamps to approx. 1/2 of the island’s residents, on NPR. Hearing these people talk made me cringe in disgust, anger and sadness. It’s been the same refrain going on for 121 years.

    The leadership of the island needs to realize that their only real-time choice, is to fight their way out from the chains the U.S. Gov. has placed on them. The chains that have weights being added on since the invasion of 1898. This means physically fighting, knowing that many will be killed in the process. The future of the island’s people and culture depends on it. Most importantly, a reinstatement of the people’s dignity would result. A dignity that most have never known.

    The island that you happen to have been born on and live in isn’t yours as it should be. You are a colony. All this talk about U.S. citizenship is b.s. When will you stop deluding yourselves? Do the states have the same kinds of problems that you do? Do the states run in to the same roadblocks that you do when it comes to socioeconomic reasonableness? No, you don’t. Not even close. So, what good is your “U.S. citizenship” when you’re living on the island? Compared to that of a U.S. citizen living in, say Iowa??

    It is your duty to fight your way out. What colony ( The U.N. and the U.S. Supreme Court have recognized this ) has ever become it’s own country without a serious fight? You are being held hostage by a sociopathic agent. Sociopaths are the closest you’re going to get to the equivalent of a Satan-like character ( no joke ). Why would anyone on this earth want to be managed by such a presence, for any period of time? Grow some Cuban balls.


  9. Roberto,
    I do actually agree with most of your statement.
    None the less , however yet , that is exactly the attitude and way the radical left Democract party Mob does and portrays against our democratically elected president ; QUE IRÓNICO !

    We should be open to dialogue of different opinions without hurting the other party .

    Here is some useful information for you to watch and share if you choose to do so :


  10. Amigo Eduardo,
    La verdad que no entiendo tu planteamiento, pues tu respuesta no responde a los planteamientos del video de la Congresista Ocasio-Cortez. Entre leo en tus líneas un furibundo odio basado en emociones encontradas. Querido amigo, ideologizar la política o pensar que las cosas son blanco y negro, solo muestra una miopía acelerada. Para entrar en debate y contribuir a una discusión sana y prospera tenemos de dejar todo odio político y todo prejuicio emocional; a su vez tener un alto sentido de tolerancia y honor. No se trata de cancelar o reprimir ideas por que no estemos de acuerdo con ellas. Cuando es así es porque no entendemos el valioso y democrático concepto de la libre expresión, y hasta donde sé en los Estados Unidos de América se vive una democracia constitucional, donde la misma garantiza ese derecho y muchos otros. Tratar de demonizar a una persona, comparándola con otros caracteres, que a los ojos de usted fueron demonios, es una falta de moralidad y ética política, con lo cual corroe y daña el espíritu de hombres como Benjamín Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Betsy Rose, Abraham Lincoln, John McCain y tantos otros. Aprender a respetar las diferencias exige un alto nivel de madurez política y de sentido común. A parte, le advierto que ese tipo de demonización política a quien más daño hace es a quien lo produce y promueve.

    Un abrazo fraternal,
    Robertoluis Lugo-Morciglio

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Las utopias son fantasticas realidades,si estuviera en las manos de los republicanos nacionalistas patriotas,yo iria con ese plan , pero bajo control de los socialistas es como esa idea que adormecio a casi la mayoria de cubanos,Fidel propuso clonar una vaca extra productora pero de minitamaño para que entrara en una casa y cada familia tuviera una o dos en la casa..iban a tener leche, queso, mantequilla y carne y derivados.
    Fantastico, todos gritaron Fidel, Fidel !, en coro y uso esas ideas utopicas para penetrar y controlar a la poblacion poniendo leyes para esta idea y la otra y nada ha llegado, nada lograron solo el mejor sistema de represion y opresion tipo STASSI.
    Lo mismo van hacer con estas idea de cuasi fantasticas idealistas,para lograrlo tienen que volverse y tener que querer ser esclavos por 100 años y entonces podremos pagar y tener esas maravillas…
    Y al final la monarquia socialista derrepente tendremos una tarjeta de comida que alcance para unos dias sin transportacion electrica. Y ese sera el gran logro.


  12. Las utopias son fantasticas realidades,si estuviera en las manos de los republicanos nacionalistas patriotas,yo iria con ese plan pero bajo control de los socialistas es como esa idea que adormecio a casi la mayoria de cubanos,Fidel propuso clonar una vaca extra productora pero de minitamaño para que entrara en una casa y cada familia tuviera una o dos en la casa..iban a tener leche, queso, mantequilla y carne y derivados.
    Fantastico, todos gritaron Fidel Fidel en coro y uso esas ideas utopicas para penetrar y controlar a la poblacion poniendo leyes para esta idea y la otra y nada ha llegado, nada lograron solo el mejor sistema de represion y opresion tipo STASSI.
    Lo mismo van hacer con estas idead cuasi fantasticas idealistas,para lograrlo tienen que volverse y tiener que querer ser esclavos por 100 años y entonces podremos pagar y tener esas maravillas…
    Y al final la monarquia socialista derrepente tendremos una tarjeta de comida que alcance para unos dias sin transportacion electrica. Y ese sera el gran logro.


  13. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    … and this is why #AOC is my girl!! … ‘For nearly a decade, this unlimited money has been funneled through super PACs: Political Action Committees which distribute millions (even billions) of dollars to “cooperative” US senators, congresspersons, governors and state legislators throughout the country. Last week, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pulled the curtain on this scheme … in a way that our entire nation could understand.’
    IF you haven’t heard her, please, this is worth your while!!


  14. …….la misma parodia de Ocasio,de Fidel,de Lenin,de Mao..etc..te ponen al frente tus ideales y te dicen que ellos van hacerlos realidad y obviamente los sigues sin cuestionar porque son tus sueños pero ellos lo usan para esclavizarte…Quieres Libertad.. ok,ellos se vuelven los heraldos de la Libertad y luchan pero nunca la achieve porque solo es finta para como el toro te ponen un anillo en la nariz y te llevan donde ellos quieren..nunca pensaron en conseguir Libertad solo usar ese simbolo para esclavizarte … capisce..


  15. Prager on
    “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a good example of the left since Marx,” he said.

    “This is not new. They are not liberals.
    They are leftists.
    For the left, the love of Idea is much greater than the love of People.

    That 25,000 people would have jobs, good-paying jobs, that massive numbers of workers in Long Island City and environs would benefit from Amazon coming there is of no consequence to them.
    They care about corporate greed, not about bettering the life of human beings.

    In the name of equality, people don’t realize how much evil has been done.
    This is a little example.”

    Prager cited the French Revolution, Venezuela, and the Soviet Union as examples where the ideal is more important than human beings.

    “Leftism is an emotion,” Prager added.
    “It’s not a position.
    And so, they so loathe that anybody is richer than anyone else that it is better that everyone suffer at a low level than everyone be improved, but there still be much richer people.
    They live the idea of the violation because I think in biblical terms, often, of the Tenth Commandment:
    “Don’t covet what belongs to someone else”.

    The left is based on coveting.
    They loathe the idea that [Amazon CEO Jeff] Bezos is rich.
    I can’t stand Bezos.
    But I don’t loathe that he’s a billionaire.
    It is irrelevant to me.
    The question is, will he do good by bringing business to my city.
    The answer is an unequivocal yes.”


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