Latinos and the US Publishing Industry

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony

With nearly sixty million Latinos in the US, it is time for Latino voices – not Latino stereotypes – to drive our literature. This week, Publishers Weekly ran an editorial which calls for Latino culture and heritage, to be part of our national literature.

Here is that editorial in Publishers Weekly

Please read this article, and if possible…please leave a COMMENT…so that US publishers can see that we exist.

That we support our own voices, and our own literature.


For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

Si prefiere ver la página web en español por favor visite: http://www.guerracontratodoslospuertorriquenos

4 Comments on “Latinos and the US Publishing Industry

  1. This is our distribution latin book publishing COMPANY /house and distribution center website:


    We are a Puertorican based and constituted company (Corporativo VYT, LLC) .
    We officially distributed and sold throughout PuertoRico to all bookstores both the English version of WAAPR and the Spanish version as well.
    We are publishing and co publishing and distributing Spanish and Latin authors books in the USA Latin America and worldwide .

    Our company has exclusive publishing and distribution agreements with most Cuban based publishers such as Ediciones Cubanas , Editorial Pueblo y Educación , Feliz Varela , etc.

    YOU can find many of these Cuban and Latin Spanish publications currently now for sale and you can find them through any of our website.

    These Cuban and Latin American boooks can be bought in the USA via our exclusive subdistrubutor website :

    Our sister companies are based in PERU:
    Corporativo VYT, SRL (Lima,Perú) .
    Visión Musical, VYT , SRL ( Lima,Perú)

    We are launching a project of co editing novels, educational and academic books and textbooks between Puertorican authors and Cuban authors in order to combine both assets and create a new product , mixing and tying both cultures together .

    We invite all and any authors to contact us if they wish to join and publish either their books or music with us

    Our co editing program between Puertorican , Latin American and Cuban authors is named or called :

    Es el nombre de una de las divisiones del programa de “INTERCAMBIO CULTURAL EDUCATIVO” adoptado por CORPORATIVO VYT para captar escritores y músicos Cubanos y del Caribe Cuenta-propistas independientes , a los cuales se les remunerará a través de la repartición de ganancias provenientes de las “royalties” (regalías por derechos de autor) generadas individualmente por cada artista, así como también con pagos a través de la repartición y distribución colectiva y equitativa de bonos adicionales a todos y cada uno de estos artistas, basadas en las metas y objetivos alcanzados conjuntamente entre todos los escritores y/o músicos participantes a la misma vez; sumando y repartiendo anualmente , un porcentaje adicional de todas las utilidades o ganancias recaudadas para cada uno de estos artistas de manera colectiva, por todas las ventas realizadas de todos y cada uno de estos artistas participantes en conjunto al finalizar cada año.

    Motivar a la creación del arte (libros y música) a través de estos artistas Cubanos y del Caribe Hispano parlante, así como la comercialización de sus obras artísticas literarias y temas musicales; repartiendo las regalías de las ganancias generadas entre todos los propios escritores y músicos participantes tanto a través de la remuneración personal por el trabajo individual, así como también a través de la suma de todos los ingresos y ganancias generales y colectivas alcanzadas y logradas entre todos los miembros y participantes de dicha Cooperativa.
    Corporativo VYT cobrará un porcentaje de comisión por administrar este programa llamado, “Cooperativa de Escritores & Músicos Cubanos (Y DEL CARIBE) Cuenta-propistas Independientes” (CEMCCI) a los escritores y músicos quienes cedieran sus derechos a Corporativo VYT y/o Visión Musical VYT para que estas puedan comercializar y explotar estas producciones internacionalmente en el extranjero, sin la intervención de las editoriales ni de las Productoras/Musicales de origen Cubanas ni del Caribe.

    Buscando así la forma de que mediante la venta de estas publicaciones y/o grabaciones de estos libros y Música , puedan lograr dichos artistas (escritores y músicos) Cubanos y del Caribe, cierta independencia económica; aportándoles ingresos y contribuyendo a su desarrollo como individuos, así como al de la economía y el bienestar y relaciones culturales entre nuestros países.

    HERE IS OUR FIRST MUSICAL CO-PRODUCTION BETWEEN PUERTORICAN MUSICIANS AND CUBAN SINGERS SOON COMMING OUT TO THE MARKET (music recorded in Puerto Rico studio and singing recorded in Pablo Milanés studio in Cuba) :
    Un Abrazo Musical Salsero

    Next cine our co edition between Puertorican authors and Cuban authors for novels and textbooks , both digitally and in paper books. (bajo construcción)


  2. There maybe an even more important issue at stake. The appeal made in the article illustrates a similar one voiced by the black community in the U.S. It is requesting (and rightfully so) that attention and service be given to the Latino market, that we not be overlooked. What I see is an opportunity to bypass the mainstream and do for self. Why give that market share dollar to people who don’t truly care about us. Create our own and keep it in the family. Just a thought…


  3. I’ve posted on this topic before and after years of interaction (or lack thereof) with the usual publishing world cadre of token “La Tino” Oompah-Loompah gate-keepers, very little has changed. In fact, even after communicating directly with the specified “La Tino” faux-outreach “experts” at various publishing houses, I’ve come away with some very qualified observations.

    A BIG part of the problem is that the USAmerican mainland publishing world is infested with lethargic, sold-out, generic “La Tino” tokens whose only job is to filter-out stories, profiles and dare I say it, precious “narratives” that are not about Mangos, Macarenas, Mandingos or 14 y/o Machos defending the honor of 12 y/o virgin beauty queens waving from low-riders in California barrios.

    Their well-defined task is a simple one…to promote those (here I go again) precious “narratives” that will preserve the public persona and status quo as defined by their publishing houses and their 3rd-rate flunky allies in the American academy, that will continue to support the generic “La Tino” image house of cards constructed of demeaning, degrading, derogatory clichés, caricatures and cartoon representations of a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry wide cultural, ethnic, racial continuum of peoples who are MORE distinct one from the other than they are congruent or identical by any another metric of measurement.

    Their charge is to promote the fallacious, fraudulent and flimsy “fiction” that all “La Tinos” share some magical, cosmic connection, that ironically and inconveniently hasn’t existed in the last FIVE centuries….you know…the farce that all “La Tinos” are inter-changeable cogs in the ever-spinning wheel of “La Tino” never-ending “La Tino” misfortunes. Gimme a break!

    Just look at the books that DO sell…the story is always the same…breaking out of the ghetto, watching an ant-hill grow in Titi Conchita-Maria-della Taco-Bella’s hut in some far-a-way jungle where she beat her clothes on a rock on a river in preparation for sneaking into the US to give key-note addresses at highly-paid conferences with such patronizing themes as “La Tinas Who Overcame in Duh Struggo”……OMG!

    But don’t ever ask that “La Tino” publish about what specific “struggo” they are looking for us to write about because if they were honest, they would tell you that they only thing their token “La Tino” writers overcame was the crowd at the Coco Chanel perfume counter at Bloomingdale’s or at the “struggo” at the Hermes silk scarf sale at Macy’s. or their Ivy League token’s travails adjusting his safety-pin on his hijab as he waits for his frappuccino before posing for more selfies in front of his patron “Santa”, the Starbucks mermaid.

    Any person of any intellectual, personal or political integrity of ANY ethnic-cultural-racial coordinates is SICK of the generic “La Tino” profile as protected by these publisher toothless guard-dogs. This “La Tino” profile is in serious need of a major re-sketch and an even bigger eraser! Why? Because these “La Tino” lap-dogs are sooooooooooooooo focused on the “La Tino” lint in their navels that they completely miss what REAL people are interested in reading about. And they totally miss the fact that you don’t have to be a sombrero-wearing, donkey-riding, Taco Bell-munching “La Tino” to read a book in any contemporary technological medium that tells an authentic and valid story.

    These publishers and their generic “La Tino” token flunkies need to:

    *** leave the barrio
    *** leave the projects
    *** leave the prison visiting rooms
    *** leave the blood-splattered hall-ways
    *** leave the pile of meth wrappers
    *** leave the border holding pens
    *** leave the “lloriqueos” about gentrification replacing our beloved slums
    *** leave the “EVERYTHING FREE IN AMERICA” roof-top back-drops

    …and begin promoting the stories of those “La Tinos” who truly do embody hope, dreams and success OUTSIDE the ghetto and not keep the tired “narratives” of waxing poetic on rusting fire escape while waving a plastic “banderita de mi patria”. Gimme a break already!

    They will NOT even consider stories of the Puerto Rican who relates his tales of working in Amish communities in the Midwest while working 3 OTHER jobs to get through graduate school and decades later went on to work for a head of state in the Middle East.

    They are not concerned with the “narrative” of the Cuban émigré who spent 7 years in a church basement in Boston as a child, while his 3 brothers languished in a Vermont commune living with stoned-out hippies who took them in and then put them to work rolling blunts for the next decade.

    And they don’t want to EVEN consider a story of the Argentinean who speaks Spanish as a 2nd language, after his native Welsh in Patagonia and is struggling to get through medical school in his THIRD language, English. Why? Not brown at all, not oppressed at all and not crawling onto the lap of the American publisher to lick his (or her) “cara fresca”.

    Where is the story of Chinese Cuban who escaped Castro’s Caribbean “Paradise” on a cruise ship bound for Curacao and made a small fortune smuggling many of his countrymen to all the 4 corners of the planet? Where are his “narrative”?

    Where is the story of the Holo-caust survivor who made it to the Jamaica, W.I. and who has spent the last 70 years selling “authentic” MADE-IN-KOREA Voo-Doo beads to belching, farting, Hawaiian-shirted American tourists so that he could buy enough food at the end of the day to survive in Kingston in her last days? Too “diverse”? Not brown enough? Not illegal enough?

    ANSWER: Those “narratives” are in the “NOT LA TINO ENOUGH” pile of rejections.

    Until the publishing machines in the US get real, nothing will change and they will continue to churn-out the predictable generic “La Tino” garbage that they do today, mailing fat “Advance” checks to the predictable coterie of Ivy League “La Tinos” who they will promote all over the planet and then applaud as a phenomenal “tour de force”, “a defining moment in the La Tino narrative” and as the “definitive voice of the contemporary La Tino”…(eye-roll).

    But, this is not likely to happen though, as these “La Tino” publishing house tokens keep promoting the ol’ stereo-types as they get paid handsomely to continue cranking out the same ol’ “Brown and Down”, “Brown and Serve” narratives that reassure their publisher’s view of the world and continue to perpetuate our public persona as always the “other” on the OTHER side of the street.

    Meanwhile, these embedded “La Tino Representatives” are back adjusting their MADE-IN-KOREA polyester hijabs in the Starbucks window, as they “struggo” to make it back to their offices to finish the rest of their difficult day as a “La Tina” publishing agent, till they can finally make it to Happy Hour at McSorley’s Old Ale House or catch the bus to the Hamptons or their flight to Provincetown..(eye-roll) to meet Brad, Bob or Bryce. Gimme ANOTHER break!

    THAT is the problem!

    To be even more specific. I have personally received correspondence from these “La Tino” house-fops recommending that I write more believable “narratives”…which is PC code for…

    …“write brown or Baba-Lu stuff or stuff about thugs with their asses hanging out of their pants on the subway”.

    Y ahi lo tiene, mi’jo…the current state of the flat-planet “La Tino” publishing world with its HUGE flotilla of canoes, empty cans of Coco-Loco and coco-nut shells floating over the edge.


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