ALL STARS of War Against All Puerto Ricans

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony

It is time to recognize the War Against All Puerto Ricans All Stars: the people who make this blog really special.

In 2017, rather than panic over Trump, we need to recognize our own people and our own strengths. So here they are…the WAAPR All Stars of 2016…

Remy works hard every night, to make sure our blog runs straight and true. He built our initial website, too. Remy is extremely knowledgeable about real estate, banking, computers and social media. He is also my most loyal friend, whom I deeply appreciate.


Margot provides dozens of story ideas and valuable news sources. She is a wise and compassionate woman, living in Puerto Rico, who cares very much for her island. Margot is a wonderful spirit.


Aniki is a gladiator. She protects WAAPR from dozens of trolls, troglodytes and Trump surrogates. Aniki is an indefatigable defender of Puerto Rican culture and history. I am very grateful to her.


Quietly, Mike makes big things happen. In New York, Chicago, Puerto Rico and even Spain, Mike has opened huge doors for the book and the message of WAAPR. He is also an accomplished businessman, a fearsome political campaign manager, a media tycoon, and a friend.

Wil is a renaissance man: a world-class musician, author, cinematographer, radio producer, community organizer, and psychologist. He creates multiple forums and media platforms for Puerto Rican culture and self-expression. Wil is an inspiration.


Dr. Rex is the heartbeat of our “Comments” section. Every day, without fail, the Good Doctor breathes life into our comments and sets an example for everyone else. Dr. Rex is deeply ethical, compassionate and caring…the qualities which separate a good doctor, from a great one.


The only thing bigger than Herson’s ideas is his heart. He sees a global architecture that few others can even imagine. Rooted in a great faith, and a deep sense of purpose, Herson is committed to improving that architecture. I believe he will do it.


Tato is a citizen of mankind. He is an accomplished musician, anthropologist, historian, community leader…and deeply knowledgeable of the culture, economy and history of Puerto Rico. Tato broadened the entire perspective of War Against All Puerto Ricans, both the book and the website.


The founder of Latino Rebels, Julio championed War Against All Puerto Ricans from the moment the book was published, and wrote a powerful book review which I appreciate to this day. He also allowed me to publish several articles in Latino Rebels, and shared key insights and advice. Julio is a communicator with a conscience.


Quique is a dangerous friend. He is so fully alive and intelligent, that he forces people to become better versions of themselves. He does this unconsciously, through osmotic transfer.

Quique wrote the prologue to Guerra Contra Todos Los Puertorriqueños, and gave me several lifetime’s worth of advice. It became a part of my writing.  


Salvador is one of the smartest people I ever met. A graduate of Harvard Law School, he could teach Caribbean, Spanish, English, and European literature; politics, philosophy and law; dominos and self-defense.

After a few initial skirmishes, I gave up trying to best Salvador in anything. Now I just listen and learn.


Juan Bobo is the voice of reason.

In the early 1900s, Nemesio Canales – the brother of Blanca Canales – created the most important literary magazine in Puerto Rico. It was called Juan Bobo.

Now in 2017, Juan Bobo will ridicule the hypocrites and the sociopaths, who are using Puerto Rico to get paid.


Lourdes Garcia, Jesús Mangual, David Galarza, Norma Perez, Eric Ramos, and over a dozen other people in A Call to Action are laying down an example for everyone.

They educate, organize, hit the streets, make the phone calls, research the issues, write the editorials…

They believe in the independence of Puerto Rico…and they are willing to work, struggle and fight for it.


As we enter a turbulent 2017, I thank the All Stars and all our readers, for making this blog a living organism…

A bulletin board with a purpose…

To celebrate our homeland, where our parents and memories all came from…

Our island of Puerto Rico.

For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

Si prefiere ver la página web en español por favor visite: http://www.guerracontratodoslospuertorriquenos

14 Comments on “ALL STARS of War Against All Puerto Ricans

  1. Gracias a todos por toda la valiosa información que aquí presentan. En cuanto me enteré de la publicación del libro, lo pedí en “hardcover” inmediatamente. Tremendo equipo el que está reunido. Salud y suerte.


  2. Mr. Denis,
    My wife bought me the book and when I started to read it I could not put it down. The truth about the history explained why PR is in the situation it is in today. I pray that we free ourselves one day from this slave like existence before the US takes us down with it.
    God bless all of your team and yourself! Please keep enlightening us. I have a request; I think your right about how the FBI distorted Don Pedro’s voice making it more high pitch. Please continue to follow up on that.
    Dios los bendiga!
    Franklin Collazo


  3. A los que han leído y aprendido de éste magnífico libro, les recomiendo otro libro, escrito por el Dr. Benjamin González: Los Trajes del Gobernador.


  4. Thanks for being on the vanguard of this very important cause for all Puerto Ricans. You lead we follow.


  5. Muchas gracias a usted y a todos sus valiosos colaboradores. Que en el 2017 sigamos con aún mayor determinación para lograr la independencia que queremos y necesitamos.


  6. I appreciate the recognition, Nelson, but the bright star at WAAPR is Nelson Antonio Denis. In my name and in the name of my people, my eternal thanks for WAAPR.

    The book War Against All Puerto Ricans, clearly expresses a huge truth:
    It brings us bluntly the reality of an ignominious colonial political relationship that at this point in human history should not continue to exist, and the message is solid: The United States has been the great tyrant, the dictator, of the people of Puerto Rico. It is the maximum truth of the book, a truth that’s undeniable.

    (Before the trolls start with their nonsense, I’ll point out that the initial version – in English – contained some factual errors but that the author made all necessary corrections before the Spanish version was released.)

    I read the book in the initial version in English and then in its Spanish version and I recommend it to all Puerto Ricans both in the archipelago and in the diaspora because it gives historical facts that everyone needs to learn and which have been kept from my people for decades.

    Much happiness and goodwill to all in 2017!

    A tight hug full of love for you, Nelson.
    Happy New Year to a dear friend and great human being!
    Agradezco el reconocimiento, Nelson, pero la estrella brillante en WAAPR es Nelson Antonio Denis. En mi nombre y en el de mi pueblo, mi agradecimiento eterno por WAAPR.

    El libro War Against All Puerto Ricans, expresa claramente una verdad enorme:
    Nos trae sin rodeos la realidad de una relación política colonial abyecta que a estas alturas de la historia humana no debería seguir existiendo, y el mensaje es sólido: Estados Unidos ha sido el gran tirano, el dictador, del pueblo de Puerto Rico. Es la verdad máxima del libro, verdad irrefutable.

    (Antes q. los troles empiecen con sus disparates, señalo que la versión inicial -en inglés- contenía algunos errores fácticos pero que el autor hizo todas las correcciones necesarias antes de que se lanzara la versión en español.)

    Yo leí el libro en la versión inicial en inglés y luego en su versión al español y recomiendo su lectura a todo puertorriqueño, tanto en el archipiélago como en la diáspora porque éste da a conocer hechos históricos que todos necesitan aprender y que se le han ocultado a mi pueblo por décadas.

    ¡Muchas felicidades y bienandanzas a todos en el año 2017!

    Feliz Año Nuevo, querido Nelson!
    Un abrazo para ti bien apreta’o y lleno de amor.


  7. Thank you to all the
    committed and wonderful people who make this the most informative page on Puerto Rico y a nuestro representante que se faja bajo viento y marea a darle duro con sus palabras a todos los q son enemigos de nuestra isla, Nelson Denis. QVPRL


  8. Happy New Year!
    Feliz Ano Nuevo!
    Mr Denis to you and your family,
    And also to all your loyal readers.



  9. Los felicito por tan excelente publicación. Sus artículos están muy bien redactados y documentados con amplias referencias. gracias


  10. Thank you very much for your hard work. We ARE reading. And yes, I bought the book. Me hirvio la sangre.


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