U.S. Congressman wants to repeal the Jones Act in Puerto Rico

Book - 12-10


One U.S. congressman insisted on a key amendment to the PROMESA bill. He demanded that Puerto Rico should be exempted from the Jones Act, in order to create true economic progress on the island.

Get ready for this…that congressman was Gary Palmer, a REPUBLICAN from Alabama!

Congressman Gary Palmer, from the 6th district of Alabama

Palmer is not just a Republican. He is an extremely conservative Republican.

He is one of the “hard-line Republicans” who forced John Boehner out of the House speakership, because Boehner was “too liberal.”

A member of the Freedom Caucus, Palmer is one of only three congressmen to receive a “Liberty Score” of 100% from the Conservative Review. He ranked even higher than Sen. Ted Cruz, for his conservative values.

Yet this conservative Republican recognized the fairness, and economic common sense, of withdrawing the Jones Act from Puerto Rico.


On June 7, 2016, Palmer issued a press release. It stated all of the following:

“The Jones Act exemption helps Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, by reducing prices for goods transported by water. Two Puerto Rican economists found that from 1991-2010, the Jones Act cost Puerto Rican residents $16.4 billion.”

“Exempting territories from the Jones Act has been proven as a stable, successful way to improve a territory’s economic environment. Three U.S. territories have currently been exempted from the Jones Act strengthening their economies and encouraging business development. The U.S. Virgin Islands were exempted in 1992 and today shipping costs from the mainland are nearly half that of Puerto Rico.”

“If exempted, Puerto Rico’s power companies would be able to replace foreign-sourced oil with cheaper, cleaner, U.S.-sourced natural gas. Manufacturers in Puerto Rico would also no longer be at a cost disadvantage relative to Asia and other Latin American countries when shipping goods to the U.S.”

“Relief from the Jones Act would allow the cost of living in Puerto Rico to decline, allowing residents to stretch their wages further than before. If Congress wants to help Puerto Rico, we must provide them with opportunities to better their economy and lower their cost of living.”

The press paid attention to Palmer, and reported his fight against “crony capitalism” in Puerto Rico.


Palmer offered his amendment to H.R. 5278: the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA), to exempt Puerto Rico from the Jones Act.

But it was never even considered.

On June 8, 2016, the House Committee on Natural Resources dismissed the Palmer amendment as “not germane” to the PROMESA bill. The committee allowed no debate, discussion or vote on the Palmer amendment.

The amendment was shut down as rapidly and forcefully as possible…as if it did not even exist.


The House Committee on Natural Resources got what it wanted: a Control Board dedicated to collection of a $72 billion “debt,” and the exploitation of Puerto Rico’s tourism, coastal areas, and mineral resources.

But the long-term development of Puerto Rico can still reside in the hands of Puerto Ricans.

Senator John McCain has repeatedly attempted to repeal the Jones Act.

A broad ideological spectrum – including the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, the New York Times and Washington Post – also support this repeal.

Congressman Palmer and Senator McCain should file a joint bill for the repeal of the Jones Act.

This should be accompanied… no, preceded…by a public education campaign to offset the predictable opposition from maritime and union lobbies, particularly the ones in Jacksonville, FL.

A massive march from Orlando to Jacksonville, comparable to the Civil Rights marches of the 1960s, could anchor this campaign.

But it all starts with Palmer and McCain…

Palmer and McCain, two Republican politicians, may hold the key to Jones Act repeal in Puerto Rico. This may sound strange.

But then again, Donald Trump is running for president.


For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

Si prefiere ver la página web en español por favor visite: http://www.guerracontratodoslospuertorriquenos.com


18 Comments on “U.S. Congressman wants to repeal the Jones Act in Puerto Rico

  1. Kenny,

    I think you meant the Jones Act.

    Jones-Shafroth imposed US citizenship in 1917. The Jones Act (a different law in 1920) created the inflated pricing structure on products imported into Puerto Rico.

    Thanks for your comment,
    Nelson Denis


  2. Pingback: New York City Bar Association calls for ending the Jones Act in Puerto Rico | WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS

  3. Pingback: Marco Rubio introduces a law, to lower the Puerto Rico minimum wage to $5 an hour! | WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS

  4. Loved your book!! Truly an eye opener!! I would love to know how we can get active here in the states to see some change. Unless Puerto Ricans in the states get the attention of their congressmen nothing will change.


  5. Oye ese tocayo me insulta mi hombre. A Fernandez le mando este mensaje “Despierta Boricua y defiende lo tuyo”. keep up the good work Companero Denis


    Gracias, Victor.


    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ahora me parece que filtran los comentarios que no apoyan las estupidez de este blog. Pfff!


    Ahora me parece que debes esperar mas de tres minutos, antes de calumniar a los que desconoces.
    Tu comentario anterior (cual no se filtró) fue escrito hace tres minutos.

    –Nelson Denis


  7. Que muchas tonterías comentan, je, boicot a las elecciones. Este, o no vive en PR o es sordo y ciego.

    Esta vez hay 4 Partidos políticos y 2 candidatos independientes. La participación electoral en PR es de @ 70%, mucho más que en USA, y eso con lista electorales que incluyen a los muertos.

    Acá tenemos sobre 65 años de tradición democrática, gracias a USA, y no la vamos a echar a la basura, ni con los comentarios del Juez Federal que también se a contagiado con lo de tonto. Por cierto no hay ninguna tradición de boicot excepto por los Nacionalistas que no llenan ni un baño de gasolinera.


  8. That Jones act needs to be repelled its pure garbage its not good for the economy .We need to keep boycotting this .Dont buy Their products .


  9. the politicians,either PNP or PPD has always apply the more conservative line regarding the colonial relations of Puerto Rico with UAS.Never have the guts to go beyond of what it seems the obvious.They will make Donald Trump looks like a revolutionary if he were to suggest to get rid off the jones act…not to mention Mcain and others.The traditional Puerto rican capitalist and burocrats never gave a rat’s ass about the well being of puertorican in general: profits at any social cost.With the Jones Act or not they will behave the same!We need a real government that prioritize on the well-being of its people.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Palmer has no real power. He is a first term congressman who lives in a state that benefits from the Jones Act. He got his ass handed to him by the Republican party, most everyone in Alabama, the military, and the maritime industry. I called his office to thank him. His staff said they are quickly learning the hard way that common sense and helping PR does not get you reelected. Which means I wouldn’t hold your breathe for a McCain Palmer amendment unless Republicans want to sell or free PR. Shame on every PRican for not calling Palmer’s office and thanking him for his support. Apparently Im the only person who did. Que vergüenza.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. It is a shame that the PR politician instead of beeing fighting to administer the colony, does not call for a boicot of the colonial elections and united let the world to know what is happening with the people in PR and their land. But for them is much better to keep the colony it is more easy to rob, which is better for US, they can work better with corrupt administer, they can follow very well their orders.

    On Thursday, September 29, 2016, WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS wrote:

    > Remy posted: ” One U.S. congressman insisted on a key amendment to the > PROMESA bill. He demanded that Puerto Rico should be exempted from the > Jones Act, in order to create true economic progress on the island. Get > ready for this…that congressman was Gary Pa” >

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The man has a viable solution but the crony’s in charge say NO ” KEEP EXPLOITING”.


  13. This is exactly what PR needs. Then again, what would happen to the Law 600 of Federal Relations that reinstated the Jones Act? This oppressive act must be repealed and more considering our dire economic situation. Thank you for this news not really covered by mainstream media.


  14. So predictable! By redefining the colony with the PROMESA, U.S. is only trying to get rid of the Island without having to comply with their international obligations! There is no coincidence that our citizenship is included in a trade law signed in the midst of WWI, and that all this is happening when U.S. and Cuba are engaging in new relations… #Boricua is time to wake up! Our #HumanRights are been violated and it seems as if nobody cares!!! Let’s make them care!!!
    View at Medium.com



    Thanks for your comment!

    Please note one thing…the 1917 Jones-Shafroth Act declared Puerto Ricans to be U.S. citizens.

    The 1920 Merchant Marine Act (aka the Jones Act) imposed the shipping prohibitions/restrictions on Puerto Rico.

    These are two DIFFERENT laws. They are not linked or related in any way. It happens very often…people confuse the Jones-Shafroth Act with the Jones Act.

    So please understand, that repeal of the Jones Act (the 1920 law) will not affect the citizenship of Puerto Ricans (the 1917 law).

    –Nelson Denis

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Esa es la primera solución verdadera a todos nuestros problemas . Eliminando esa sección eliminamos la mitad de nuestros verdaderos problemas. Y aser les claro a los buitres de Wall Street que nuestras playas ni nuestros recursos están ala venta y los vamos ha defender can uñas y dientes de ser necesario y seguir a estos congresistas que están sacando la cara por Puerto Rico y los puertorriqueños .


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