THESE are the Puerto Ricans who owe $72 billion to the United States…and THEY should pay it

Book - 12-10


In a few weeks, a Financial Control Board will rule over Puerto Rico. The PPD and PNP politicians had a great deal to do with this…and will all profit from it.

These people specialize in avoiding responsibility, and blaming everyone else for their crimes…


During his brief governorship, Luis Fortuño borrowed a record $16 billion in just four years: more than any governor in Puerto Rican history. He then issued $9 billion in “private contracts,” much of it to family and friends – and today, in 2016, the money is still unaccounted for.

Fortuño now makes millions in the Washington, D.C. law firm of Steptoe & Johnson, where he advises U.S. hedge funds and corporations on how to make money in Puerto Rico.


Pedro Pierluisi’s family net worth has increased 2700% since he became Resident Commissioner in 2008. This comes mostly through his wife, María Elena Carrión. Within two weeks of Pierluisi taking office, his wife Maria quickly set up a “financial advisory firm” named Multicultural Capital.

The principal clients of this “advisory firm” are the hedge funds and P3s (public-private partnerships) that will be doing business with the Financial Control Board. The fees they’ve paid to this firm, are already in the millions.


Gov. Garcia-Padilla set up his own brother, Antonio Garcia-Padilla, in a “non-profit” which does business with U.S. billionaire Nicholas Prouty, Salomon Brothers, USB Bank, and other US corporations.

Just like Pierluisi and Fortuño, Garcia-Padilla advises them on how to set up tax-free corporations, to make money off Puerto Rico.


The Governor’s political party recently tried to “privatize” the beaches of Puerto Rico…and both the PPD and PNP politicians supported it, with an overwhelming vote of 44-1.

For nearly seventy years, these politicians have continued to bleed the island, steal from their own people, deceive them every four years…and now they present the people of Puerto Rico with the bill…a $72 billion public “debt.”

THEY are the ones who owe $72 billion…not the people of Puerto Rico.


Book - 12-10

11 Comments on “THESE are the Puerto Ricans who owe $72 billion to the United States…and THEY should pay it

  1. The only way we can sustain the emergent solidarity recently witnessed on the island, is through developing a collective understanding of our long and complicated history both in PR and by extension in the Diaspora. We are talking about 500+ of colonization on the island still ongoing! We are the oldest living colony in the western hemisphere.This has caused deep seated divisions within/across our ethnic groups from marginalized, assimilated, bicultural identities etc. across geographical barriers.
    It is crucial to have consolidated historic references as to how we got to the present moment to promote a shared and depth understanding to powerfully move forward with clear vision. To this end, the War on PR’s is an important contribution. Ethnographic historic contributions are also important; for we still have elders that lived through the era of imposed migrations and Operation Bootstrap (1950’s). There are articles published regarding this era (mainland migrations) but that search requires discernment and critical thinking for there is also lot of propaganda.We need to validate ethnographies ( her/his stories) specifically over educational systems on the island which have generally centered on Americanization. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and each other. Also, to watch ourselves in thought, speech and action, moment to moment, to ensure we are not promoting the same hurts perpetrated on us as a people i.e. racism, sexism, harsh criticism/gossip, exploitation,competition, individualism, etc…within our communities. For however justified you may feel will only create more chaos in a time necessitating peace.
    I am proud that the island/NYC protest communities stood up unified for the integrity of the PR people despite our differences (socio political, group identities etc…)Imagine what we can do when we truly become a sovereign people!!!!🙏🌠🤛👊💞🍃♻️💜🐸🌅♨️🛶🌚⭐🌝🔥🌀🔊🎵🎶🎤🥁🇵🇷


  2. We have to find ways to expand your words of wisdom, for example reaching wbaifmarchives. I will with my limited abilities do it


  3. Pingback: PUERTO RICO FISCAL CRISIS #1 UPDATE – Real Freedom in the Free World

  4. Due to the complete lack of transparency in our government, total incompetence in the patronage based management of every agency, the self-serving power of government unions, the rampant corruption is difficult to pinpoint, but we all believe it is there and suffer the results. I analyze this from the perspective of Vieques:


  5. Have a committee investigate the politicians who stole the money, take the money back from them and hold them accountable. It is the responsibility of the lenders to have insured that the money was being appropriately utilized for the benefit of the island and not to the private accounts of the politicians. You appoint a financial committee before the fraud, not after the fact.


  6. At what point do the actual voters who put these guys in office accept responsibility ?


    The voters were given no CHOICE…since BOTH political parties are equally corrupt.

    You may as well blame a fish, for not jumping out of the sea and flying to Paris.


  7. La ley del Congreso de Estados Unidos llamada PROMESA, que establece la junta federal de control fiscal, tiene dos grandes deficiencias: la falta de voluntad para descolonizar el país y la ausencia de un plan de desarrollo económico. Ambas carencias apuntan a que el propósito de la ley no es salvar a Puerto Rico de los efectos del desastre financiero en que se encuentra sino el cobrar los pagos que se adeudan a los inversionistas de Wall Street. Estando huérfanos de un plan para descolonizar el país y careciendo de los medios económicos para sostener la colonia que podemos hacer los boricuas que nos quedaremos en el país luchando por nuestra liberación nacional no importa las condiciones que nos impongan. Lo primero es aceptar que el país como lo conocíamos colapso. Que la ilusión de gobierno propio que alimento el colonialismo fracasó y que el modelo económico basado en la inversión extranjera y el financiamiento del gobierno mediantes préstamos llegó a su límite. Ahora el consenso es que esto no da más y tiene que cambiar. Para empezar proponemos un enfoque radical al proceso electoral colonial. Tenemos que transformar lo que ha sido un pedestal de la colonia en un muro de contención contra los partidos políticos que se nutren del fondo electoral. Organicemos los miles de boricuas que no pertenecemos a partido alguno para que en las próximas elecciones participemos apoyando un programa de buen gobierno no partidista y un proyecto de liberación nacional. Ver más en Facebook: Boricuas Por Un Nuevo País.


  8. I don’t have all of the facts and will not comment on half-truths for the sake of making my side of the argument the best one. It is my understanding PR cannot pass a budget that is not balanced. That statue, has been violated many many times by the PPD and the PNP. Our people, who we claim, know so much about politics, have allowed it to continue. We have been partners in crime with the money that flows to PR and travels to politicians and their friends and relatives. Yet, we don’t have the moral strength to stand up for what is ethical and legal. We don’t because, maybe one of my relatives, has gotten a job and he/she will lose it. There is no way the government of PR can be one of the principal employers and ever hope to change the collective mindset of our people. We have, with the assistance of ALL developed a parasitic society which only cares about itself. You love PR, for heaven’s sake, show that you care. As John F. Kennedy once said, ” Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country.” The poor middle class that works so hard to have a decent living can’t afford to support the rest who don’t care about anything else but themselves.

    Whenever I have done something that I may not appreciate, I look in the mirror first. We are the victim as well as the co-conspirator in this unfortunate fiasco. Yet, I know our people have the strength and knowledge to overcome this. When the people unite, there is no power on earth that can overcome it. EG. Viet Nam


  9. Well if Hillary Clinton can get away with her crimes then I guess these imitation puertorican vende patria will get away with their crimes. As you can see the F.B.I. Is not doing their job. The president, congress, PNP, PPD F.B.I.,are all controlled by the Wall Street vultures. There all swimming in the same cess pool. Maybe a Zika mosquito will infect them all…ill have my fingers crossed.Man we are in trouble. 118 years and the bad guys are still winning….that’s so depressing but I will still hold on to my hopes and dreams of a free and independent Puerto Rico. “QUE DIOS TE BENDIGA”


  10. Take the money back. Claim properties, titles, and bank accounts. The bond rating agencies also need to pay for deceiving investors.


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