Meet Congressman Labrador Retriever…the Puerto Rican who is “not interested” in helping Puerto Rico

Book - 12-10


Raúl Labrador, a GOP congressman from Idaho, is determining the future of Puerto Rico.

Labrador is Puerto Rican…yet he has “no interest in the affairs of Puerto Rico,” and “no interest in resolving the problems of Puerto Rico.” This creates a great problem, for the 3.5 million people who live there.


Labrador was born in Carolina, Puerto Rico. His mother Ana Pastor was Puerto Rican. His entire family was Puerto Rican.

Many Puerto Ricans visited his home in Carolina, and discussed politics deep into the night.

When Labrador turned 13, the family moved to Las Vegas, Nevada.


Labrador graduated from Brigham Young University with a major in Spanish, and then from Univ. of Washington Law School. He then practiced immigration law until becoming an Idaho state representative in 2006, and a US congressman in 2010.

There is an important pattern here:

Labrador benefitted from affirmative action programs.

He used his Spanish to get through college, by majoring in it.

He built his law practice on immigrants, who paid his legal fees.

But once he got to congress, Labrador declared that the US should “immediately deport” 52,000 undocumented immigrants.

He also opposed health care for undocumented immigrants.

In other words, Labrador used his Latino background to gain admission, and to graduate from college.

He used Latino immigrant dollars to buy a house, raise a family, and launch a political career.

Then once he went to Washington, Labrador became a hard-line “Conservative.”

He joined the Liberty Caucus and the Freedom Caucus.

He started beating on the Latinos and the immigrants, who provided the academic and financial infrastructure of his early adult life.


Because he didn’t need them anymore.


Today, Labrador uses Puerto Rico as his next political trampoline.

Because he’s Puerto Rican and a far-right conservative, the GOP used him as a poster child for ramming the PROMESA bill through the House Committee on Natural Resources.

Labrador threw himself into all the hearings, testimony and negotiations regarding the future of Puerto Rico. He made himself highly “available” to the hedge fund lobbyists.

“I appreciate the leadership of the House and of the committee. They’ve been working with me very closely,” he told the Washington, D.C. press.

But then, once the PROMESA bill was passed, and the Financial Control Board was headed for Puerto Rico, Labrador performed the perfect pirouette…the politician flip flop…

And he now tells everyone that he “is not getting involved in the problems of Puerto Rico,” and has no interest in resolving them.

In other words…just like using affirmative action, and majoring in Spanish, and enjoying an immigration law practice…Labrador now uses Puerto Rico just as far as it can take him, and then drops it immediately thereafter.

Labrador is back where he belongs…working for the lobbyists who line his pockets and pay for his votes.


We therefore announce the name, for which the congressman has toiled so hard.

He has earned this name through years of struggle and service.

The name will live forever, inside every Puerto Rican heart.

When corporations say:

“Go fetch!”

“Roll over!”


“Play dead!”

“Heel, boy!”

The congressman comes running with his tongue hanging out, his fat tail wagging, just waiting for his doggie treat.

And so…we are proud to christen the Puerto Rican congressman from Idaho…

As Congressman Labrador Retriever.

For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

Si prefiere ver la página web en español por favor visite:

24 Comments on “Meet Congressman Labrador Retriever…the Puerto Rican who is “not interested” in helping Puerto Rico

  1. When he was running against Walt Minnick here in Idaho I spoke with his campain manager and stated that they needed to seek the latino vote for we know that the LDS will blindly vote for Labrador Retriever and the latino population thinking he was one of them would sweep him into office which they did by %1 of the vote. He is only out for himself and has advocated the overthrow of the United States of America like his terrorist father by infiltrating the Mormon faith. He is a predator posing as a house pet looking to host a cross burning and is a candidate for extermination.


  2. My lord. This is one spanish dude that looks so spanish but wants to be white. Let the Republicans have him he is clearly a want to be white republican. Dude you are as spanish as they get looks wise, but you are a traitor. To each its own!


  3. Congratulations for Congressman Raul Labrador for representing his constituents. He worked hard for “legal immigration”, not “illegal immigration”. If the PR politicians would be have half as fiscally conservative as he is the Island would not be in the mess that it is in. Stop using the “colony” as an excuse. The real problem is that the PR politicians gave away 46 Billion in pension liabilities by borrowing money to pay the pensions to benefit themselves. The “bailout” of PR has nothing to do with racism. If Congress opens the door Illinois, California and Detroit will be right behind. Ah, don’t worry the US with it 19 trillion dollar debt is about 25 years behind PR. We will be in the same situation unless we stop our ridiculous spending.


  4. Labrador, eres un indecente, basura,escorria, debiste haber nacido en el Dlta de Missisipi, para que fueras americano. Pero me imagino como te sentiras siendo realmente puertorriquenõ.


  5. These are actually fantastic ideas in regarding blogging.
    You have touched some fastidious points here. Any way keep up wrinting.


  6. To Congressman Labrador:

    It’s DESPICABLE, and SHAMEFUL, that you received all benefits for being PUERTORRICAN, you got a degree, but received no Education..and your such a lowlife, that you turn your back on your race, and heritage, you’re denying your parents, racial components. No one should vote for you you’re undeserving to represent anyone, He whom denies his heritage , will have no loyalty to people, God, or Nation. You’re a sad example of a decent human being.


  7. There’s definately a lot to know about this issue.
    I love all the points you’ve made.


  8. Tony……commented that Labrador is there to serve the people of his own state….this is true. However , he took part in the bill…..effecting Puerto Rico…so who WAS he helping? are they not claiming that this will help Puerto Rico…….also….they claim that Puerto Ricans are citizens..doesn’t that count with Labrador? and….this is becoming a humanitarian crisis envolving U.S. Citizens…..when the U.S.A.. Butts into other nations on the basis of humanitarianism……….the treatment of Puerto Rico should always be remembered…..


  9. Let me just say that I would like people to stop referring to us as immigrants, we are citizens. Do you say that so and so emigrated from New York to Kansas? No you say they moved.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Many eloquent posts……..mine is plain and simple….. that dirty rat bastard is another in a long line of wannabes and has forsaken his culture for a lap dog way of life.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Lo más triste en el mundo es ser boricua y entregarse al americanismo. No existe una doble vida falsa. Ellos te miran y en momentos dados te lo recuerdan que no eres ni será Americano así nacidos y su tierra.De hecho que no te dobles tanto porque no te sirve de nada tratar de ser lo que nunca eres ni serás Americano.


  12. I was born in Carolina on José De Diego st., I now live in Florida. Today I am as proud as when I protested against the imperialist colonial exploiters and invaders of my dear homeland. Paraphrasing J. A.Corretger I would be puertorrican even if I were born con the Moon. I, once had a wonderful labrador retriever, for years a very smart and loyal hunting partner. The contrary Of those qualities is what congressmidget labrador exhibits. The indoctrination by the Imperial power Of the USA , was successfull in twisting tour feebble mind. Today, you as so many others are corrupted by the poder of$$$$.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. When the Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal Alliance (BCGMA), launched, fought for and succeeded in procuring the coveted Congressional Gold Medal for Puerto Rico’s illustrious 65th Infantry Regiment ‘Borinqueneers’ (who fought with distinction and valor in the battlefields of Korea), Rep. Raul Labrador was asked to help co-sponsor HB1726 requiring 267 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, he came through!

    Knowing his Puerto Rican heritage and history and mainland ascension to the U.S. Congress in Idaho, it was going to be a long shot! What can one expect from a politician from Idaho (Boricua or not)?! A Republican Tea Party Conservative to boot?! Besides, how many ‘Borinqueneers’ lived in the state of Idaho that he could say were his constituents?! Would he even know who they were?! Would he even care?! Much to our surprise, he co-sponsored HB1726 inching us forward to obtaining the co-sponsors needed in the House!

    Why? Well, we thought of two things and counted on the possibility of convincing him to do so. First, we played on his Puerto Rican heritage and hoped that he was not too far gone (gringosized!) to even stir his patriotism for his homeland. Second, that the Borinqueneers were veterans and every bit as much American as anyone on the mainland (we emphasized the Jones-Strafroth Act of 1917 making Puerto Ricans U.S. Citizens). And besides, the Borinqueneers is not a Democratic or Republican issue but a VETERAN issue! it apparently worked….or did it?!

    So why all of a sudden is Rep. Raul Labrador unwilling to assist and help his native homeland during their debt crises for which these brave warriors fought, sacrificed and died for?! I suspect it was easy to vote for the recognition of a storied veterans group (whether they succeeded or not in procuring that honor), because it was the ‘American’ thing to do and it gave him political cover from his Anglo constituency and party affiliates who could not contest an American veterans group (although it probably didn’t or wouldn’t matter much to that xenophobic group!) from being so recognized. But the real reason now appears to be that since it has to do with MONEY and a POWERFUL HEDGE FUND LOBBY in his state that fiercely opposes helping ‘spiks’ who were probably dumb enough to dig themselves into that hole! If that is the case, SHAME, SHAME for not rolling up his sleeves and showing his ‘mancha de platano’ (maybe he never had it!) and standing up for his native homeland! Que pena!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. If he doesn’t want to help PR why is he on the committee… HARK are we to think that this committee is only there to repesent hedge funds… where is the presumption that they will be fair and wirk on behalf of the common good??


  15. What kind of congress man are you? One that don’t deserve the seat you sitting on. How did people vote for you? You are not Puerto Rican, you are a moron just like the other moron the racist republican chose to be their candidate. Of course you don’t want to help because you got your money hiding some where. Labrador, you are a traidor with your own people. I read the article and I can’t believe all the stupidly you had said. You don’t like you seat give it to someone that really cares. Mamauuuu!!!!


  16. What is that have to do with he status as a congressman. The people from Idaho elected him he is there to represent the Idaho people. Not Puerto rico. He has a responsibility with his state. You all can’t expect for him to support or not. It wasn’t Puertoricans who elected him.


  17. This article is a clear example of the insidious effect of affirmative action. The author assumes that just because Congressman Labrador is Latino he benefitted from affirmative action and would otherwise have been unable to go to college and graduate. Perhaps it was hard work, discipline and study. Unfortunately that is also what the non-Latino world believes, successful Latinos are successful because they received a boost from affirmative action programs.


  18. Este articulo contiene un ERROR muy grande, este individuo NO es Puertorriqueño, nunca lo ha sido y nunca lo será. Entiendo que tampoco es Estadounidence ya que estos BASTARDOS no tienen patria solo tienen “ÇONVENIENCIAS PERSONALES” que guian todos sus actos y sus acciones en la vida.


  19. I feel sorry for him. A man who forgets his roots, does not hace anything to turn to. I wonder what the people who race him has to say.


  20. En más de un siglo de colonialismo, ¿tú sabes a cuántos viraos hemos criao? La Isla está llena de traidores que odian ser boricuas y están dispuestos a vender a PR pensando estúpidamente que se convertirán en gringos honorarios.


  21. I’ve written this here before…

    “Cuando el hombre pierde su verguenza, no hay NADIE que se la devuelva”.

    My Mallorca-born grand-father used to say this anytime he felt someone in our family was behaving in a manner that reflected badly on him or the rest of us. He is long-dead now and buried on a hillside cemetery near San Sebastian and so apparently, are the sentiments of wise words.

    Not surprisingly, Labrador-Pastor has followed the now-time-honored despicable act of slithering his way into politics…the PERFECT medium to cultivate his dishonest, immoral, inhuman and unethical behavior.

    But let’s not get too upset over him. He will get his due rewards at some point as the “puto joroba’o” that his behavior tells us unequivocally he is.

    People like him are their own special kind of punishment and the world of duplicitous, dishonest and disingenuous politics will provide him the perfect cover for his lack of decency.

    We need to ALL focus more on how we can re-build the economy of our Island home-land. Whether we live on it or anywhere else on the planet ITS survival should hold a very high priority for all of us…and each of us in our way CAN and should do whatever we can to help our Island-bound families and friends during this time of hardship.

    Imagine if all of us who are “off-Island” (approximately 4 MILLION) returned to the Island each year to spend THOUSANDS of dollars on the Island to help our brothers and sisters. Do the math…the number is outstanding! The opportunities to make our commitment REAL are everywhere. Enough of the “baba-politica”. We’ve heard it all before for a CENTURY and we are still 3rd-Class faux-citizens who have died in WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq War IN US military uniforms (and it wasn’t Halloween or Mardi Gras).

    Time to hold the future “lideres” of Puerto Rico to a standard higher than who can toss the most red, white and blue 100% recycled-paper confetti from their Mercedes-Benz convertibles on Ashford Avenue or has the most botox’d beauty queens posing for photo-ops at Palmas del Mar in cheetah thongs and 12″ stiletto heels.

    And I won’t even start on our US Mainland “Boreekwa” spokes-payasos applauding fake-Tainos from New Jersey wearing Hopi War Paint and doing Apache Rain Dances at the Porqueria Day Parade in NYC next month and posing for more photo-ops holding cans of Goya beans and flashing Banco Popular VISA cards (with $25 limits). That will really push me over the edge.

    Ay, mi gente, we REALLY can be bigger than this! The time is now!

    So, remember our military dead this Memorial Day Weekend. They died for nothing, while holding out hope that one day their sacrifice would make a difference. It hasn’t yet, but we can’t give up on making a difference today FOR THEM!

    Maggots like Labrador-Pastor will disappear into their own mediocrity in time.

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