The secret governor of Puerto Rico: “Scarface” Luis Fortuño

Book - 12-10


Within a few months, Luis Fortuño will be the power behind the throne in Puerto Rico.

When a Financial Control Board rules over the entire island, Fortuño will be hiding behind the chairman of that Board…whispering in his ear…influencing every major decision. The following video interview on NBC news yesterday, makes it very clear…

As governor, in four short years, Fortuño hijacked the Puerto Rican economy as ruthlessly as Tony Montana sold cocaine.

Fortuño fired 30,000 workers, raised taxes, and drove Puerto Rico into bankruptcy.

Now three years later, throughout the NBC TV interview, Fortuño claims that he “reduced” government spending by $2 billion, and “rescued” the taxpayers and workers of Puerto Rico.

What he conveniently omits, is that he borrowed over $16.5 billion in just four years – more than any other governor in Puerto Rican history – and then spent $9 billion of that in “private sector contracts” for his family, friends, and financial contributors to his PNP political party.

One friend alone – Pedro Ray Chacón – was awarded a $9.7 million contract for a gasoline pipeline that was never built.


Fortuño inflicted the largest spending spree in the history of Puerto Rico, financed it with $16.5 billion from Wall Street, and left the people of Puerto Rico to pay for the bill.!hX9jixYJTT1E/

He is responsible for the bankruptcy of Puerto Rico…more than any other human being on this planet.

But now, Fortuño is giving one interview after another…a non-stop media tour…saying that the government payroll must be reduced in Puerto Rico, that budgets must be responsible, and that creditors and bondholders must all be paid.

The New York Times reported that “hope in government has returned” with Fortuño.

As a partner in the Washington, D.C. law firm of Steptoe & Johnson, he now “advises Fortune 500 companies on regulatory, financial, and corporate matters throughout Latin America.”

He writes articles for Fox News, saying that “Puerto Rico has a spending problem.”

He encourages the privatization of Puerto Rico through “P3” (Public Private Partnership) projects, with large U.S. corporations.

He is systematically building his brand as the “go to guy,” the beltway broker…the D.C. Puerto Rican who can anoint, promote, and launder U.S. corporate interests in Puerto Rico.

In short, Luis Fortuño is quietly positioning himself as the top political adviser to the Financial Control Board, and the top lobbyist for anyone who does business with them.

It is a perfect con job.

The top political thief in Puerto Rico…is the top reformer in Washington.

Making millions of dollars at Steptoe & Johnson, “advising” the Financial Control Board, and creating “P3s” all over Puerto Rico.

Scarface never had it so good.


For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

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10 Comments on “The secret governor of Puerto Rico: “Scarface” Luis Fortuño

  1. Pingback: Luis Fortuño wins the 2016 Puerto Rican Pinocchio Award | WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS

  2. Pingback: Puerto Rico’s Fiscal Control Board Gets Started | palenqueblog

  3. Pingback: THESE are the Puerto Ricans who owe $72 billion to the United States…and THEY should pay it | WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS

  4. Pingback: This 4th of July – the Prophecies of Pedro Albizu Campos | WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS

  5. He is in the pockets of the vulture funds and wall street. What a traitor!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. He and his soul friends , all should go to jail, for a life term without perole.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Why the dirt bag is not in jail is a mystery to me. He deserves no less than 25 years in jail and a slap in the face every day.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Here you have it. This is what awaits Puerto Rico! Luis Fortuño …. Vende patria!! Remember: there’s a thing called Karma. You have “blood” in your hands! How this angers me!! Always looking out for yourself!


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