A Guided Tour of Puerto Rico’s Financial Control Board

Book - 12-10


As a service to our readers, here is a guided tour of the Financial Control Board that will soon rule over Puerto Rico.

The following photos illustrate the methods and government philosophy, that this Control Board will bring to the island.

The door will be a key feature.

Jíbaro tries to visit the Financial Control Board

It will be very difficult to open this door.

It will require special knowledge, power, or family connections. The surest way of getting in will be through Section 104 (d) of the law which created it. This section tells you exactly what gifts you can give to the Control Board…because the Board is “authorized to accept gifts, money, bequests, devises, real estate, and personal property.”

You can see this for yourself on page 21 of the bill:


Once you bribe the Board, and get in past the door, you will see thousands of people with adding machines. These are the “auditors.” They will make sure that everyone pays their 11.5% sales tax, their 300% electricity rate, and buys cars and gasoline that cost 35% more than in the US.

The auditors will also ensure that the entire $72 billion debt of Puerto Rico is paid to the hedge funds, vulture funds, Wall Street operators, and San Juan politicians who created it.

(See pages 23-61, 106-121 of the bill)

Auditors ensure that everyone on the island pays…EVERYONE

If you are politically connected, or have a great deal of money, the auditors will not bother you. But if you are a teacher or a bus driver, and you don’t pay the full 11.5% sales tax, or if you fall behind with your electricity bill, then you’ll be called in for an intervention.

Financial Control Board provides a free intervention in Guayama

If any public worker disagrees with the Control Board, or tries to go on strike, they can 1) lose their job, 2) lose their pension, and 3) be thrown in jail.

(See pages 22-26 of the bill)

The jail is a special debtor’s prison.

Again: if you are rich, famous or politically well-connected, you have nothing to fear…because you will never go to this jail, even if you steal billions of dollars from PREPA and make everyone else pay 300% electricity rates.

If you are Gov. Luis Fortuño, and “spend” $9 billion of taxpayer dollars but can’t remember to whom you paid it, you will still make $2 million a year as a partner in Steptoe & Johnson. No jail for you.

But if you sell piraguas in the street, and get caught withholding your 11.5% sales tax, you could go to debtor’s prison. The warden in there looks like Vincent Price.  

The warden looks like Vincent Price, and he loves his job

He is not a kind warden.

He hates poor people, but he loves his job…which is to torture all the poor prisoners, until they agree to pay the vulture funds every last penny that they have.

This may be difficult…because PREPA is preparing to raise the electricity rates again, and because the Financial Control Board will reduce the minimum wage in Puerto Rico to $4.25 an hour, for newly-hired young people up to age 25.

(See pages 75-76 of the bill)

We hope this brief tour has provided you some helpful information, regarding the Financial Control Board which will soon arrive in Puerto Rico.


For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

Si prefiere ver la página web en español por favor visite: http://www.guerracontratodoslospuertorriquenos.com


6 Comments on “A Guided Tour of Puerto Rico’s Financial Control Board

  1. Pingback: Puerto Rico gets a Financial Control Board | WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS

  2. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    This is the way Puerto Rico’s government will be run … when the “Financial Control Board” is in place. #NoToFCB ….


  3. Only recourse is to ouste the Tyrants or inidate the US and do like Cuba send Billions back to the Island


  4. We are so willing to fight in our oppressors (U.S.A.) wars to defend their interests, yet we’re not willing to collaborate among ourselves to overthrow our oppressor (U.S.A.) in order to demonstrate that WE PUERTO RICAN CITIZENS are the true rightful owners of the Island and we will not tolerate the theft [through whatever beurocratic measures] of our ancestral homeland. They’re stealing our lands AGAIN from us and we continue with the same whining about what they’re doing instead of BURNING DOWN ALL THEIR BUILDINGS at the same time so they could finally respect our collective demonstration of refusal to their contemptuous desecration of what is rightfully ours. What will it take for us to finally say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!?!?!?!?

    Ya es tiempo para el BARAKYAH (Boricua) que demuestre precisamente su fiera contra nuestros enemigos que se disfrazan cómo si tuvieran buenas intenciones. Que mas necesitamos para ver claramente que el colonizador Americano no le importa lo que le pase a nuestra gente?


    Me da asco ver nuestro paiz siguiendo en el paso que nos va a desechar de nuestra patria.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Diablo esto esta Cabron. Vamos al Coro mundial y denunciar este abuso. Es que estamos tan envenenos por este fucking sistema. Lean franz canon y quiz as aprendan algo. Oh tambien subhas Chandra bose


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