US Senator recommends bombing Vieques all over again, in order to ease Puerto Rico’s debt crisis

Book - 12-10


US Senator James Inhofe (GOP – Oklahoma) wants to reinstate Vieques as a target for US Naval bombing, and claims that this will “help Puerto Rico” with its fiscal crisis. On the floor of the US Senate, and in his Senate website, Sen. Inhofe claimed that Vieques is “the only range in the Western Hemisphere with land, sea and airspace that could accommodate naval surface, aviation and artillery live ordnance delivery, with amphibious landings supported by naval fires.”

In simpler words, Sen. Inhofe wants to use Vieques for target practice, all over again.

Inhofe is also the Senator who waves snowballs in the Senate chamber, and claims that global warming is a hoax.


With Vieques, and with his snowballs, the senator demonstrates a questionable judgment.

But Inhofe also has a clear history of militarism in Vieques. Back in 1999-2000, Inhofe fiercely resisted the cessation of the Vieques bombings. After a tense Senate hearing in October 1999, in which he was “fuming” at witnesses from the island, Inhofe declared that Puerto Ricans were “ungrateful, myopic and misinformed” about Vieques.

Now 17 years later, Sen. Inhofe does not say how, nor by how much, the renewed bombing of Vieques would “help” Puerto Rico out of her economic crisis.


A snowball-wielding senator from Oklahoma, who does not believe in global warming, now has major influence over the destiny of Puerto Rico.

That is alarming enough.

Even more alarming, is that Senator Snowball is chairman of the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works, and a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

He wants to start bombing Vieques all over again, as a way of helping Puerto Rico “out of her economic crisis.”

This is the kind of person who holds the future of Puerto Rico in their hands.


For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

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20 Comments on “US Senator recommends bombing Vieques all over again, in order to ease Puerto Rico’s debt crisis

  1. Mr James inhofe lest start with bombing your home. Try thinking for ones in your life, not as hard as it sounds the problem Puerto Rico has is the same problem Mr Allen soo in1900 when he stole the land from the Puerto Rican people .


  2. Even more alarming are the Puerto Ricans that agree with him. Also, the 70% + Puerto Ricans who want the fiscal control board without reading the proyect. Talk about deer in the headlights… when that m*f*ker hits, as proposed…

    It can literally say “We will kill all Puerto Ricans on the island” and people will never read, so they will want whatever the US government imposes, because they have been brainwashed to do so. In desperation, they turn to a dictatorship by law, imposed by the supposed flag bearer of democracy worldwide.

    Well, well.


  3. Diabolic mind! Destructive! Sick! Wisdomless! How can some U.S. People vote for such a Hitler mind like that? Please, don’t vote for him anymore! Keep all Senators image clean! I am a Vieques Island resident, and U.S. cityzen but I will inform all my relatives up in the states, not to vote for that crap!


  4. He has such a long record of saying and doing stupid things that it’s hard to tell if he’s demented.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sen. Inhofe is probably the dumbest member of the U.S. Senate. Nothing he says surprises me.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The problem we have is the traitors like “la malinche” dr.miriam Ramirez de ferrer,who is actually an agent of racist James inhofe

    Liked by 1 person

  7. When I read stupidity like this, I am reminded that it is really not so surprising coming from a US Mainland 3rd rate political hack, who I am certain couldn’t find Puerto Rico on a map, with the help of his smart phone’s GPS.

    And given the last CENTURY that the US has held the Island, its inhabitants and their collective futures in suspended animation, his commentary should be taken with the proverbial insignificance of a grain of salt.

    On the one hand we are citizens “enough” who can and HAVE died in US uniforms in WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraqi War and every other oil-grab “skirmish” that Uncle Sam has deemed us of worthy of dying in, but then on the other hand, NOT worthy of the respect that we have more than earned since 1898 to have fully bonafide “citizenship” like all other “Americans”.

    So, I am beyond getting too worked-up about commentaries like his because a century of irrefutable and undeniable and at this point, indefensible indifference to Insular affairs and their effects on MILLIONS of us over the decades speaks LOUDER than any crude, crass or incoherent words that dribble from his gaping mouth.

    Island “leaders” should take some time from their busy brunch schedule in Old San Juan and endless golf-cart rides at Palmas del Mar to better appreciate and understand exactly how LOW the regard is for you and all the rest of us is on the US Mainland, especially in Washington, DC.

    This buffoon from the dusty and oil-wreaking backwoods of Oklahoma does not speak for all American politicians, but his inanity speaks for enough of them and certainly for ALL of the last TWENTY presidents, including the most recent buffoon-in-residence, who like all the others has only come to the Island to campaign before its 4 MILLION Island captives who ironically aren’t allowed to vote in presidential elections ANYWAY! But to him, as to most of the others, doing a few steps of “La Cucaracha” or dancing under a limbo stick is their level of understanding of who we are and here we are still today…in captivity, living the life of a perfumed concubine, who can only dance at the end of her rope..

    Inhofe is nothing but “una poca cosa”, and if he is anything, he is a political burp in a windstorm of bureaucratic incompetence and cultural stupidity that is American faux-recognition of Puerto Rico.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Fully agree with Dr. Rex, in addition to the Puerto Rican folks residing full-time on Vieques, there’s also quite the number of Ex-Pats living & owning property there. My guess 1/4-1/3 of the population on Vieques (disclaimer) granted it may be more or less, what I do know is that the majority of our interactions with others, when we’re visiting friends and family who live there are primary Ex-Pats. But of course we’re not ones who visit the island to take statical polls, we’re not going to stop the kids on mopeds chasing after horses rounding them up for a few dollars to find out where they came from, to be on the beach, perched under a tree, standing by snipeing the volunteers who’re walking dogs from the humain society if their Puerto Rican folks or not, can’t bring ourselves to sit outside of the “cat house”, housed with in the humain society, that houses nearly 20+ cats & kittens in a room no bigger than 10’x10′. Not much of a house. Sitting there ready to strike at the sad eyed, poorly postured, joyless silent individual who just came by to play with them, excuse me, so, where did you move here from. Ah, can’t do that, I feel that it really doesn’t matter who lives there, they live there. To toss the hands up & claim “imminent domain move or get shot at”, or slowly advance by closing certain beaches on certain days, yeah tourists listen to those signs.
    How about leave it alone, go bomb other U.S. Territories, how about Bahrain, I mean I love the USO & all but no worries about tourists nor natives, sure as hell don’t have any Ex-Pats living there.

    Just my thoughts,


  9. This guy is either ignorant or the devil in disguise. Bomb the hell out of your state LUCIFER!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Reinstating the military exercises in Vieques means good money for Inhofe, he will be getting a nice portion of the millitary allocations. Money will flow to his pockets from military contractors, we have to start protesting this proposal.


  11. Reinstating the military exercises in Vieques means good money for Inhofe, he will be getting a nice portion of the millitary allocations. Money will flow to his pockets from military contractors, we have to start protesting this proposal.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Senator Snowball. Please keep your dirty hands off Puerto Rico . Your insensitivity did more than enough harm to Vieques . Culebra and the Island of Puerto Rico itself including the populaces . Can’ t you play your act together in your own home state . Stay away

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    “US Senator James Inhofe (GOP – Oklahoma) wants to reinstate Vieques as a target for US Naval bombing, and claims that this will “help Puerto Rico” with its fiscal crisis.” …… IDIOT!! There are Puerto Ricans living in Vieques!! There’s been enough damage done there. Start bombing in your own state, area, backyard!! IDIOT … GOPer!!

    Liked by 2 people

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