Who owns Puerto Rico?

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony


A Financial Control Board will soon control the government and economy of Puerto Rico. Critics view this board as a collection agency for hedge funds that own much of Puerto Rico’s $73 billion public debt.

A recent TV interview on Inside Story discussed “who owns Puerto Rico?” and how this ownership will affect the island’s future. Here is that TV interview…


Of particular concern, is the growing discussion of using Puerto Rico’s public infrastructure – its electrical grid, water supply, schools, prisons, roads, bridges, airports – as the “collateral” for this alleged “debt” of Puerto Rico. 

This “privatization” of the island’s entire economy will enrich the hedge fund owners through further increases in the electricity and water rates, higher sales taxes, pension reductions, school closures, teacher layoffs, and the sale of public assets.

Gov. Luis Fortuño announces the Aerostar takeover

But this privatization will impoverish the rest of the island: turning it into a giant ATM for the hedge funds, at the expense of all its residents. An example of this is the Luís Muñoz Marín airport. From the first day that it assumed control of the airport (February 2013) until the present day, Aerostar Holdings, Inc. has been delinquent in all its electricity payments. It now owes $25 million to the government of Puerto Rico.



This year – 2016 – is pivotal for Puerto Rico.

With elections in both Puerto Rico and the U.S., and the imposition of a Financial Control Board, the question of “Who owns Puerto Rico?” must be answered as clearly and completely as possible, before the island becomes gentrified beyond all recognition.

“Public Private Partnerships,” also known as P3s, are really P5s: public private partnerships for the plunder of Puerto Rico. If the island is not careful, 2016 could mark the year when Puerto Rico became one giant P5.


For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

Si prefiere ver la página web en español por favor visite: http://www.guerracontratodoslospuertorriquenos.com


7 Comments on “Who owns Puerto Rico?

  1. Pingback: Puerto Rico will be SOLD on May 1, 2017 | WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS

  2. Pingback: Puerto Rico gets a Financial Control Board | WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS

  3. Como dice Andre’s Jimenez “cono despierta boricua y defiende lo tuyo”


  4. Some time in the future the people of Puerto Rico will have a chance to make things right and the only way to get the island Back is to be Independent for the first time in over 500 years. Wake up Borinquan, be Free once again. “ENOUGH” Make your own Future (Not for some other country). We have been Slaves LONG ENOUGH.


  5. it would be very interesting to see this blog present details to those outside of PR about the elections process and candidates on the island.


  6. Y nosotros mayoria añangotau en casa edpetando los cupone.mientras los politicos hacen lo que los hedge fund quiere y el pueblo.dode esta?


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