Senator De Castro Font took cash bribes, in the bathroom of the Capital Building of Puerto Rico

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony


At age 25, Jorge Adolfo De Castro Font was elected to the legislature of Puerto Rico. In 2008, after twenty years of corruption (as both a Senator and a Representative) he was finally arrested and indicted on 32 federal charges including fraud, extortion, bribery and money laundering.

Any normal person would have received life imprisonment, but not Jorge. He served only five years. Here is a video of Jorge, stating his position on protecting the environment of Puerto Rico:

Jorge wore $3,000 suits and $20,000 watches. He rode in helicopters, vacationed in Italy, and romanced his mistress in Paris. All paid for, of course, by the taxpayers of Puerto Rico.

No more bribes in the bathroom for Jorge

As a Senator, Jorge sold his legislation to the highest bidder. For twenty years he was always open for business. At one point, a reporter for WKAQ Radio asked him “how much do you charge per law?” According to journalist Jay Fonseca, Jorge even received cash bribes in the bathroom of the Capital Building of Puerto Rico.!lUm8K9RZmURU/

Jorge is the poster child for government corruption in Puerto Rico.

He was released from prison yesterday, just in time to attend the “2016 Puerto Rico Investment Summit” on February 11 and 12. Every pig, pirate and politician who is robbing the island will be there.

So will Jorge…the ex-Senator Jorge Adolfo De Castro Font.


For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

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5 Comments on “Senator De Castro Font took cash bribes, in the bathroom of the Capital Building of Puerto Rico

  1. Reblogged this on kingraized and commented:
    The Travesty that these people that have no Respect for Puerto Rico’s long flessing are still allowed on the island . If I had it my way I would Rid all of them so that they & their inherit spawn would terminate.


  2. Estos detalles hay que continuar publicándolo de esta manera con ” Evidencia” para que aquellos que tienen memorias selectivas se acuerden de descaros como estos. Por votar por personas como estas, por TODOS los que en la legislatura sabían, contribuían, contribuyen, permitían, permiten, y hacen actos despreciables como estos es que hoy tenemos que rogar y pedir que nos resuelvan nuestros problemas en NUESTRO PUERTO RICO. es triste y vergonzoso admitir que no hemos sabido gobernar a nuestro País. Si cada uno, no asumimos responsabilidad, y entendemos que todos somos responsable, no resolveremos nuestros problemas de fondo.


  3. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    M’lord!!!! …. disgraceful!!
    “Jorge is the poster child for government corruption in Puerto Rico.
    He was released from prison yesterday, just in time to attend the “2016 Puerto Rico Investment Summit” on February 11 and 12. Every pig, pirate and politician who is robbing the island will be there.
    So will Jorge…the ex-Senator Jorge Adolfo De Castro Font.”


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