The Super Bowl of Hedge Funds

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony


The Super Bowl of hedge funds will occur three days from today, on February 11 and 12. Called the “2016 Puerto Rico Investment Summit,” it is actually a collection of pigs, pirates and public officials who have been robbing Puerto Rico for the past ten years.

It will feature Rudy Giuliani, John Paulson and Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla. Hedge funds, private equity firms, and billionaire investors will attend. The leading idiot of Puerto Rico will also speak: Alberto Bacó, the Secretary of Economic Development, proclaiming that “you are part of Puerto Rico’s second grand economic transformation.”


Gov. Garcia Padilla discusses the grand economic transformation of Puerto Rico


It is unclear which “grand economic transformations” Mr. Bacó is referring to. Was the first one in 1900, when the US devalued the island’s monetary currency by forty percent (40%)?

Was it 1900-1930, when US banks stole 80% of Puerto Rico’s farmland?

Was it 1950-1980, when thousands of US corporations used cheap Puerto Rican labor for 30 years, paid no taxes, and then left the island forever?

Was the second “grand economic transformation” in 2006, when IRS 936 expired and the pharmaceutical industry abandoned Puerto Rico?

Was it 2007-2015, with a 300% increase in electricity bills, a 200% increase in water bills, an 11.5% sales tax, the closure of 150 schools, rollback of teacher pensions, firing of 30,000 government workers, and the declaration of Puerto Rico’s debt as “junk bonds?”

Was it January 2016, when the government of Puerto Rico officially ran out of money?

Will it be later in 2016, when the US sends a Financial Control Board to take over the entire economy and government of Puerto Rico?

To answer these questions, we will have to attend the “2016 Puerto Rico Investment Summit.”

The answers will not come cheap: attendance will cost $1,500 if you are from the US, and $2,500 if you are from Puerto Rico.

Here is the information about this “Investment Summit,” to be held in the Puerto Rico Convention Center in San Juan, PR.

The pigs, pirates and public officials at this “Investment Summit” might get a little surprise.

Because a few Puerto Ricans who can not afford $2,500 to attend this “Investment Summit”…

A few Puerto Ricans who are not robbing the island and calling it “economic development”…

Might assemble in front of the Convention Center on February 11 and 12…

And welcome them with the mother of all protests.


For a history of the War Against All Puerto Ricans, read the book…

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy it Now

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10 Comments on “The Super Bowl of Hedge Funds

  1. Pingback: A picture worth 1,000 words: an “investor” in Puerto Rico picks up a rifle, to “feel safe” from Puerto Ricans | WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS

  2. This might be a good thing for the people of Puerto Rico, raise their cost of living so they can get angry and get up and fight, I believe it’s time for a revolution, a complete take over, a sit down, let turn off the light and take back our island. Like the armed anti-government protesters in Oregon who took over a government building because they were forced to sell their land to the government. Today is Oregon tomorrow will be Puerto Rico. But these are just words, we need leadership, we need to get organized both on the island and on the mainland and attack them where it hurts in the pocket. Unless we are able to control their bottom ($$$) line they will not take you seriously.


  3. Pingback: Massive demonstration in Puerto Rico today, against US vulture funds | WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS

  4. Denis, la industria farmaceútica no sólo abandonó al país, lo contaminó. De ellas se quedaron unas cuantas. Son las que operan incinerafores de desperdicios extremadamente peligrosos a los que la Junta de Calidad Ambiental llama “no pelugrosos”. Se les permite operar sin presentar informes de lo que queman. En el área de Arecibo se operan 5. SafetyKleen, Pfyzer, Abbye, Merck y Safetech. No cuentan para nada sus emisiones. No se incluyeron en el permiso del megaincinerador y todos quedan dentro del radio de 50 kilómetros que impone el Clean Air Act.
    Giuliani expresó que tiene un lugar en el Caribe para quemar la basura de New York.
    Es genocidio.


  5. Protest will not do any good what we need to do is find out what are the consumer products the hedge funds are invested in and boycott such products.


  6. Rudy Giuliani the great white collar crime fighter. Now he’s part of the problem of sticking his hands in the big Puerto Rico cookie jar. Another vulture hedge fund exploiter. This is just like the biggest roller coaster ride that just won’t stop. These pirates arrived in 1898 and now the year 2016 and their still coasting on full speed, ripping, raiding, ransacking, raping, and ravaging the people and its island of every thing they own. And the power in charge, the great colonizers what do they say? Don’t worry be happy? Despierta Boricua!! Defiende lo tuyo.


  7. Mis Hermanos, Protest this damn “Investment Summit”,
    Enough with so much injustices.


  8. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Be watching …. this will happen soon!
    “The Super Bowl of hedge funds will occur three days from today, on February 11 and 12. Called the “2016 Puerto Rico Investment Summit,” it is actually a collection of the pigs, pirates and public officials who have been robbing Puerto Rico for the past ten years.”


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