Historical Photo of the Day: From Superman to BUM

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony


In 2012, Alejandro Garcia Padilla campaigned as Superman, who was going to “save” Puerto Rico from decades of useless politicians, corruption, and abuse from the United States.

Just three years later, on October 15, 2015, Garcia Padilla handed over the entire government and economy of Puerto Rico to a “Financial Control Board” that will answer to US hedge funds, Goldman Sachs, and other Wall Street operators. 

In effect, the office of “Governor of Puerto Rico” will have no meaning. 

In just three years, Garcia Padilla turned the office of “Governor of Puerto Rico” into an international joke.


6 Comments on “Historical Photo of the Day: From Superman to BUM

  1. Mr. Denis,
    I read that President Obama said ” he could do little” about the Jones Act, that it’s up to the Congress to make changes and decisions.
    What can we do as Puerto Ricans, to continue
    Putting pressure on both the President and Congress about the Jones Act
    Are there any other petitions that we can sign.
    Feel that as Puerto Rican we should continue raising our voices


  2. Well I think that Garcia Padilla move is to in any way push the US Congress to take action into doing something about the Puerto Rico and its status situation. Are we 100% US citizens with all constitutional rights or what are we? Somebody have to make the move I believe hi did.


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