The Rise and Fall of Ciudad Viagra

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony

Barceloneta is a coastal town of just over 20,000 residents. Thirty years ago it was best known for the juiciness of its pineapples – but for eight years, from 1998 until 2006 – it was known as Ciudad Viagra.

During those eight years, just one factory on the edge of this small town, produced all of the Viagra consumed in the US, Canada, and Mexico.

The jobs at the factory paid well, starting at $15 per hour, and the drug’s popularity pumped $60 million annually into the local economy.

This pump extended over the entire island. 

Pfizer, Bristol Myers, Merck, Lilly, Abbot, Galaxo, Johnson & Johnson, Genentech…over a dozen pharmaceutical companies used the “IRS 936” tax abatement program to build tax-protected factories throughout Puerto Rico. 

At its peak, the “936” companies in Puerto Rico produced 25% of the world’s pharmaceutical drugs, and 90% of the pharma consumed in the US.

But it all crashed in 2006, when the “IRS 936” program expired.

The pharmaceutical companies all downsized or left the island altogether. Currently, Puerto Rico’s unemployment level of 12% is almost double that of Mississippi, the poorest state in the US.

For eight years, Barceloneta was Ciudad Viagra. Now it is known as Ciudad Vacia. 

This is what happens, when you make one country completely dependent upon another country, for all its major industry and employment.

Puerto Rico must develop its own industrial base.

Its own manufacturing.

Its own entrepreneurial class.

Its own economy.

Puerto Rico must stop being a colony.

6 Comments on “The Rise and Fall of Ciudad Viagra

  1. I remember that the drugs processed in P.R. were sent to the USA. Puerto Ricans would have to pay more for them when they entered the island! Go figure?


  2. Puerto Rico must expand outward, before it sinks into quicksand, It has relied on one country to long, and they don’t seem to get anywhere, except deeper into debt. They owe over seventy billion dollars to big brother. If I had a big brother like that I would have broken relations with him many moons ago. I know it sounds easy to say but what other choice do they have? Puerto Rico must stop voting for these boocoo dinky daus ( Vietnamese meaning for crazy heads) politicians, and demand their God given right for a sovereign state. Two choices, get out, or keep sinking.


  3. If the Philippines did it so can we.. Puerto Rico has many more resources.


  4. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    “Viagra City” …. I remember all about the “936” …. I was still in Puerto Rico. My country needs everything that’s it’s “own”!!


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