On July Fourth – The Prophecies of Don Pedro

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony

When the U.S. invaded Puerto Rico 117 years ago, Gen. Nelson A. Miles declared that: 

We have come to bring you protection, not only to yourselves but to your property, to promote your prosperity, to bestow upon you the blessings and liberal institutions of our government…and to give the advantages and blessings of enlightened civilization.”

Gen. Nelson A. Miles

Aside from assuming that Puerto Rico was not “civilized” or “enlightened,” these words were supplemented with the following, on the floor of the U.S. Senate: 

A heterogeneous mass of mongrels make up their citizenship…they are incapable of self government…savages addicted to head-hunting and cannibalism.” (U.S. Senator William B. Bate; April 2, 1900) 

God has made us adept in government so that we may administer these savages and senile peoples.” (U.S. Senator Albert J. Beveridge; January 9, 1900)

On February 22, 1899, the New York Times contributed this to the discussion: 

Porto Ricans are uneducated, simple-minded and harmless people who are only interested in wine, women, music and dancing.” 

As late as 1940, the prestigious Scribner’s Commentator offered this insight into the Puerto Rican character: 

All Puerto Ricans are totally lacking in moral values, which is why none of them seem to mind wallowing in the most abject moral degradation.” (Scribner’s Commentator, pp. 7-8, March 1940)

The U.S. then proceeded to rob the entire island. 

This was the “moral” thing to do since, after all, Puerto Rico was a colony full of headhunters and cannibals. 

Today, as we celebrate the independence of the U.S. – the “leader of the free world” – it is useful to consider some other words, as well…the words of Don Pedro Albizu Campos.

His words are highly appropriate to this July 4th occasion.

“Man is essentially free, because the spirit which gives him life is essentially free…For this reason neither the United States nor any other empire on earth can deprive us of the right to govern the land on which we were born.”

These words are self-explanatory. They are also consistent with the founding principles of the United States of America: that government exists with the consent of the governed, and all men (and women) are created equal. Don Pedro believed in these principles, and spent 25 years in prison for his belief.

“Washington reduces our people into impotence, so that we become pariahs in our own country.”

Don Pedro predicted accurately. 

Through the Insular Cases, the Foraker Act, the Hollander Act, the Law of Cabotage, a 40% currency devaluation, the theft of farmland, Public Law 53 (the Gag Law), secret FBI files on 100,000 Puerto Ricans, the arrest of 3,000 Puerto Ricans in November 1950, the bombing of two towns (Jayuya and Utuado) in broad daylight, the Ponce Massacre, the Rio Piedras Massacre, the Utuado Massacre, the torture and “disappearance” of political prisoners, and a Police Chief who declared “War Against All Puerto Ricans,” the U.S. did a thorough job of bending the island to its imperial will.

“La Fortaleza has passed to the rank of hotel, and Muñoz Marín has become the head waiter of that hotel…Our politicians have become parasites, living off the blood of the people, deceiving them every four years to steal from them, to deride them, to enter castles and poison themselves with morphine and rum.”

On June 10, 1948, Public Law 53 was passed: which made it illegal to say a word, sing a song, whistle a tune, or express anything against the U.S. government. It also made ownership of a Puerto Rican flag a felony, punishable by ten years in federal prison. 

Don Pedro was furious. He realized that the First Amendment rights of the entire island had just been abrogated, in order to shut one man up…him. The very next day, on June 11, he delivered a scathing radio speech in the town of Manatí. He assailed the governor for his opium habit, but he also said something very accurate. For nearly seventy years, politicians have continued to bleed the island, steal from their own people, deceive them every four years…

And after feasting at this fabulous restaurant, they now present the people of Puerto Rico with the check…a $73 billion public debt.

According to the United States, owning one man makes you a scoundrel, but owning a nation makes you a colonial benefactor.”

Don Pedro was right again. 

As recently as June 1 – just one month ago – Ann Coulter published Adios, America in which she shrieks, on every page, that Latinos are not entitled to the same rights as black people. 

Specifically, she writes that “the entire edifice of civil rights and discrimination law was meant to address the black experience in America, not to reward any loser with resentments…Huge social welfare programs were created – for blacks. Affirmative action policies and racial quotas were created – for blacks.”

According to Coulter, since immigrants are not descendants of American slaves, then “Why do we owe other countries anything? Our racial guilt is over slavery. America didn’t have any colonies…what do we owe the Third World?”

This is ridiculous…crazy…Ann Coulter needs some medication, correct? Perhaps she does, but that is not the point. Her book is a New York Times Best Seller. Out of 9 million books in the Amazon sales system, Adios, America is currently #53 in total sales. Even Donald Trump tried to incorporate the book into his cynical campaign.

Clearly, many people are listening to this racist message. They still hold it in their hearts.

“A nation such as the U.S., with enormous national and international problems, does not have time or attention for us. Puerto Rico must present the U.S. with a grave crisis, in order to receive any attention.”

Don Pedro tried to create this “grave crisis” with a Nationalist uprising in 1950. This “grave crisis” also exists today, with a $73 billion public debt and no clear resolution in sight. 

Over the past five days, all of the following U.S. publications have written urgently about Puerto Rico:

New York Times

Wall Street Journal

Washington Post

Los Angeles Times

USA Today

CBS News

NBC News

ABC News

Fox News

Bloomberg News

Huffington Post

Time Magazine



The Economist

Atlantic Monthly

Al Jazeera America

Daily Kos


New Yorker Magazine

Again, Don Pedro was absolutely correct.

The U.S. does not have time or attention for us…until we become a serious “problem.” 

Ironically, due to this $73 billion public debt, Puerto Rico has succeeded in becoming a “problem” to the U.S. For a brief moment in time, Puerto Rico finally exists in the eyes of the American public. The economic condition of the island has become a serious concern to the U.S. government – but only for a moment. The minute that the $73 billion debt is “resolved,” everyone will go back to their daily routine – and Puerto Rico will be forgotten. 

And so…as we celebrate “Independence Day” on the U.S. mainland, we might take a few moments to reflect on the wisdom of Don Pedro. 

All of his prophecies came true.

Puerto Rico stands in a profound historical moment.

What are we going to do about it?

15 Comments on “On July Fourth – The Prophecies of Don Pedro

  1. Pingback: War Against All Puerto Ricans receives 3 million views | WAR AGAINST ALL PUERTO RICANS

  2. Thanks, Nelson.


    I appreciate your thanks, Ana !


  3. What should we do about it? I’m tired of people posting about the problem! What can we do?!?


  4. Pingback: El mes de la conmemoración de la colonia | Repensando La Nación

  5. Puerto Rico is in reality a Puerto Pobre, compliments of the U.S. and its corrupt maggots of the 1% that have succeded in ruining everything in Puerto Pobre from the environment to the economy, healthcare and everything else while fattening their personal bank accounts in Grand Cayman and Switzerland, on the bacls of the Working Class and the Poor.


  6. Eduardo,

    Have a great Fourth of July weekend.

    I hope to see you again, sometime soon.

    I still remember our great week on the island – thank you for everything you have done to help the book.

    All the best,


  7. The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” ALBERT EINSTEIN

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Albizus was a beautiful, eloquent speaker, that his words spoke truths. Hard truths. Puerto Ricans where going though difficult times, being stripped from their lands and digniy. He tried to provide direction with his powerful words. Thank you Mr. Denis for including them today. Especially today!



    Nacionalizar la Banca ; “un peg” from The American dóllar and then not recognize The International públic debt and wash our hands and not recognize the International debt aquired and already spent, But first nacionalizar The BANCA and have our Own currency and of course stop Receiving any longer and getting The “cupones” o “chequesitos federales”, no more.
    Then beggin exporting intangible Assets overseas / internationally ; Such as musical and educational products and/or Sevices digitalized and which are intangible Assets which are not Bound or subject to The Cabotaje law (as intangible Assets are not SHIPPED in or out) ; such as digital contents of University and higher Learning Educational coaurses ( specially to Latín American countires which thrive for northamerican education and would embrace These proposed internet virtual coaurses comming from The UPR as well as Many other educational institutions around Puerto Rico in spanish language ; and make them available and acredited to The gradúate latinamerican University coaurses.

    So that Latín American students would study their higher Learning Educational coauses coming from puerto Rican institutions virtually on line massively and BIG revenues could be collected from this masive intangible exportatios which could be created. As many of these students in those countries wold love to be able to come to Puerto Rico and enroll in universities which are acredited to the USA sistem and are being taught in Spanish language. However they don’t either have the resourses to be able to come , or they don’t have nor can get the visa.
    Asi que ,
    “Si no pueden Venir a la Montana, que la Montana venga a ellos”

    The agricultural era of coffee, sugar and/or tabaco is Long gone and is not a comodity any longer , any How and is not comming back.
    The industrial era, is also Gone and Been left Behind. And not what should be the focus and efforts.
    This is The New era of information , education and technology which we are now in. And this is what should be looked into , in order to export acredited northamerican U.S. Academic Coaurses along with digitalized contents coming out of and from VERY Many different universities in Puerto Rico and being taught and offered in spanish language. This is what should be taken proudly into account and develop technological instruments, , such as web plataforms in order to export and sell these educational and cultural courses as intangible Assets of higher Learning educational.
    University of Puerto Rican university cultural and educational coaurses offered digitally on line , vía International “convenios” de acreditación BETWEEN and amongst the higher Learning educational institutions in Latín América and Puerto Rico.

    This is an export commodity which the revenues can be used either to begin paying the debt or simply auto subsidizing ourselves. .
    Just like Singapore has Been doing !……an island half the size of Puerto Rico which exports intangible educational assets throughout the region of South East Asia as well as all over the world.
    If Singapore can and did it on their own behalf , why could’nt Puerto Rico do it as well, with all of the economical help which it has been receiving from the USA and from the IMF.


  10. Brilliant article..and very impressive not much known about this soul through put the world it seems☺


  11. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    On July 4th, the “birth” of the USA is celebrated. In the meantime, Puerto Rico is “gasping” for air … Don Pedro’s prophecies have become a reality. The celebrating country continues to look the other way. No help for its territory, no “911” …. It’s waiting for the chance to continue the “pillaging” that has befallen the Island since the 1898 invasion ….. the “mongrels & cannibals” won’t know any better.
    Today is no celebration for me anymore!


  12. You said:

    Perhaps the more salient question is, “What are you prepared to do?”
    Once that is answered, solutions will come.


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