U.S. Government Prepares to STRANGLE Puerto Rico

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony


It finally happened.

For the past three months, I have been warning that the U.S. was preparing to establish a “Financial Control Board” over Puerto Rico.

I kept on warning about it. No one listened very seriously. Now it is about to happen.

According to the New York Times, Congressman Jeffrey D. Duncan has called for “a control board to take over the island’s beleaguered government.”


Duncan, a Republican congressman from South Carolina, is a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and chairman of the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.

In a letter to his fellow lawmakers, Duncan wrote that some “management changes” may be necessary on the island, and that “legislation to require the establishment of a financial control board…to put Puerto Rico back on the road to self-determination, may be needed.”

This is a masterpiece of political double talk. Duncan is telling the U.S. government to take over the island’s government, and take over the island’s economy, in order to put the island “on the road to self-determination.”

This is the equivalent of a schoolyard bully who takes your lunch money, in order to improve your nutrition.

The worst part about this is…IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN.

The U.S. government, and Wall Street investors, want to force Puerto Rico to pay its $73 billion “public debt,” even though the Wall Street rating services have demoted this debt to “Junk Bond” status.

Because of this “Junk Bond” demotion, the government of Puerto Rico has no further access to the credit markets. It can only pay this debt by raising revenue internally: through more and more taxes on the people of Puerto Rico.

That is why you have an 11.5% IVU.

Why gasoline taxes rose twice in one year.

Why electricity and water rates are soaring.

Why property and small business taxes are at historic highs.

Why pensions have been rolled back, or cut off entirely.

Why teachers’ health benefits were cut.

Why 1,000 people per week are fleeing the island.


Puerto Ricans can no longer afford to live on the island where they were born. They are being taxed to death, and taxed off the island.

Meanwhile under laws such as Public Act 22, hedge fund operators and billionaire US investors are being welcomed to the island, with open arms, with a 20-year tax break on all capital gains, interest and dividend income.

In New York City, everyone is familiar with the term “gentrification.”  Over the next 20 years, we will see the gentrification of the entire island of Puerto Rico.

This “financial control board” is the first step in that gentrification.

It has nothing to do with putting Puerto Rico “on the road to self-determination.”

It has everything to do, with ending Puerto Rico as we know it. The final process of turning Puerto Rico into a playground, for the rich and famous of USA, is about to begin. It is going to HAPPEN, unless we do something about it.

The first step is very clear.

Puerto Rico must RESIST this “Financial Control Board” and REFUSE to pay the $73 billion public debt.

The debt is a violation of international human rights. It should not even exist.



War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s ColonyBuy the book

173 Comments on “U.S. Government Prepares to STRANGLE Puerto Rico

  1. Mr. Dennis you and I know that there wil be blood. Puerto Rican, as always. Part of the colonization process, after more than a century, means that many do welcome the “yunta” (as in yinta de bueyes) because they trust only americans, our executioners. What you described in your book has just reached a new sinister stage.


  2. US has been sending plenty of money to PR for years. The main problem is that the PR goverment and their croonies have been and continue to steal most of the funds. I think PR needs a temporary group of american people to straighten out all the mismanagement and stealing of funds. They are a bunch of petty thiefs…


  3. My family still lives on the island between the crime rate n taxes but they can not sell their home n come here Americans are interested in buying homes in the suburbs they want the vacation homes they don’t care about Puerto Rico we invited the Americans in to get rid of Spanish but now the United States has become more of a enemy so come on Puerto Ricans lets stand up n say no thank u


  4. Actually china owes us and alot of American businesses. They are literally on a crash course. Our gdp is higher than our debt. That’s huge. If china was hit with the correct tariffs and taxes they would be under. There is a reason china doesn’t threaten us. What I do know is the us sends alot of money to rico, wl for what reason I don’t know. I wpuld cut ties with tricot instantly. Puerto Rico is lucky it’s close to the us.


  5. Luz and how does your rhetoric helps the country of Puerto Rico? You are probably unaware of the Jones act that restricts Puerto Rico economy. Your also probably unaware of the suffering the people have endured from the beginning when the US STATES took control. Your probably unaware of the puppet government that the US help to implement and the atrocities that has been recorded in history especially to the woman? Were you aware the woman were use as experiment to sterilize them so that they don’t pro create? Were you aware that the farm land were confiscated from the people of Borinken. Needless to say how much more do you think our people is worth when you put a price tag. Now give us back our land so we can be self sustainibg . I think your ignorance surmises you knowledge of the country you so critize.


  6. If you don’t like the US government to take over Puerto Rico money affairs then don’t ask for money, because the US send billions over in food stamps, medicaid and other benefits we have the right to audit and even manage the affairs since it seems the government does not know how to handle it. If not for the federal help US sends over Puerto Rico would go up the creek without a paddle.


  7. We see it too so wakeup its here like theif in the night wolf ?????…….$$&$$$$$$$$$$$,!&!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…..


  8. The more I see happening, the more frustrated I become that I can’t make a difference to heal the problem. Puerto Rico must end the centuries of colonization and abuse.. But we must first fight the injustices of our politicians. As Puerto Ricans we must fix the problem. It kills me to see that we can’t unify and begin the healing process. These issues we suffer are due to our mistakes. History proves this fight domestic and foreign can be won. We must take the steps as Puerto Ricans to get off our asses and take what is ours. Stop supporting our goverment until it is cleansed. Debemos recordar a nuestros patriotas y por qué murieron luchando por esta tierra! https://writetofight.wordpress.com


  9. P.R Just defaulted on a $50 Million payment.. And that’s a drop in the bucket for the average USA Rapper.. That’s sad..


  10. Yes I read the book and from what I see the spaniards, the US AND OUR OWN GOVERNMENT SET US UP TO FAIL MISERABLY. TODAY PUERTO RICO DEFAULTED ON THEIR DEBT. SO WHAT’S NEXT? The people of Puerto Rico needs to get together and declare statehood immediately. Anyone in their right mind knows this is the path to go. Indepenency is out of the Question. We deserve better.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Padilla sea dejado multare.no hace nada para salva a puerto rico


  12. they should release all the prisoners that I being charged with severe punishment to be let go because that is also taking away from the financial of taking care of them you have to feed the prisoners and pay for room and board for them there and you charging these people for ridiculous crimes out theresomething needs to be done because you a charging people out there with petty crime and giving them 20 years 40 years 50 years a hundred eighty years and that is ridiculous and that is spending unnecessarye money being spent


  13. This is ridiculous especially when the United state imposed a trade restriction on the Island! The islands are already strangled by the laws that prohibit trades therefore costing the little country more money. Yet the other territories of the UNITED STATES ARE NOT BOUND BY THE SAME RULES. So now they want to help us get on our feet by self determination? What crappy double talk is that? Why aren’t we mad and angry and not argueing in defense with the people united together? How can the UNITED STATES EXPECTS TO BE PAID BACK WHEN THEY PUT TRADE RESTRICTIONS ON YHE ISLANDS. ITS TOTALLY SHAMEFUL AND IF YOU ASK ME ITS RACIST IN NATURE.


  14. Is very sad some of the comments post, first thousands of puertoricans have fight for US, more than some call US Americans, is time to PR become State and get same benefits as other states, nothing to loose per contrary more to win, is time to see reality and look around the world is time to move on and leave the ignorance.
    Let’s make a better PR for our future generation going the way is going now nothing good will be left.


  15. Nothing is free in this world. Extremely corrupted Puerto Rico’s politicians are not doing anything to improve the island’s economy, but filling up their own pockets. Why US tax payers must subsidize parasites? Doesn’t it remind you of Greece?

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Puerto Rico needs a wake up call, it’s time for some order to come to the Island. It’s time to changes the status!

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  18. People get over it if Puerto Rico become a state there will be better doctors and better work for the people and more
    turist to go there all puerto rican needs to relized Puerto rico is dying no money no jobs that is not a way to leave I rather see become a state than a cuba

    Liked by 3 people


    Liked by 2 people

  20. I think Puerto Rico should negotiate with Russia, so they can be part of Russia and get those Yankees out of Puerto Rico. We will see how fast the United States will pay that debt!


  21. It’s time for Puerto Rico to become the 51st state or it will become another Cuba!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. The solution is simple: The USA owes Puerto Rico much more than its debt. Let’s start a REPARATIONS FOR PUERO RICO MOVEMENT. We have all the proof we need to be compensated for what the US has done and continues to do to Puerto Rico since they invaded in 1898. Reparations for Puerto Rico.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. But yet y’all owe China over trillions of dollars what if China threaten y’all with this how would y’all like it ??


  24. Their are enough PUERTO RICANS in the USA that we could become a state here just with our American citizens living here. Over 3.5 million alone just on the he east coast. New York,New Jersey,Boston,Hartford etc. Let’s majority vote from the state with the most votes or move 2 that state to have dominant voting and get in Senate & Congressional Ass.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. This is what i am watering as gunpowder in all the forums and international policy …..

    The “debt” is illegal. If you’re looking for the Base Structure Report published in October 2014, the Department of Defense supports the control of 1 million 900 thousand peak and acres of land in Puerto Rico. Do not pay a penny. Are our lands.
    If you are looking for in various portals of that entity, Puerto Rico appears for the handling of communications, climate control, production of wireless power (confirmed in the report of the Working Group of White House of the 2012 US producer of energy called “HUB”,
    For the French islands, Caribbean, Central and South America), and in Arecibo, an anti-missile shield, with the Anvil as electronic brain of the Southern Command. There is to be well underground not to affirm the right of the Puerto Rican nation to be compensated. We must not nothing. Unemployment demand the military and that we are compensated by never contaminate us. Let us look at the reality: scientific brigades….
    We support John Kerry. He told Russia on 5 March 2014 that when one country occupied to another with military troops elections are invalid. In Puerto Rico all acts that commit the people are invalids. Carried out by prisoners illegal.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Is crazy how big of a deal they making cuz Puerto Rico owes us 74 billion but they don’t make a big deal of paying their trillions in debt they have

    Liked by 1 person

  27. This flow of billions and billions will make Congress react and be able to tax this people either by incorporating PR or facitating Statehood or both


  28. La basura de políticos que durante décadas han llegado a donde han llegado no lo han hecho solos, necesitaron de que alguien votara por ellos, la mentalidad retrograda de como se vota en esta país no termina, cada cuatro términos se eligen a los mismos lo único que cambia es el color del partido al que pertenecen, ya es hora que el gobierno federal tome cartas en el asunto, es su deber ético y moral el hacerlo, deben detener la vida loca y de esquizofrenia política que se vive en este país, ellos , todos, votantes y políticos han sumido en este desastre a todos por igual. es increíble que, una isla tan pequeña en territorio tenga la deuda que tiene, esta partida de imbéciles nos han llevado a todos al fondo del abismo, no quieren darse cuenta que, muy cerca de nosotros hay una isla llamada cuba la cual esta sufriendo cambios favorables y la cual pronto experimentara el cese del embargo, todo esto esta ocurriendo delante de nuestras narices, inversionistas con su cerebro en su lugar, correrán a invertir en suelo fértil no en un suelo donde sus recursos económicos han sido diezmados, al parecer la droga de la corrupción los ha llevado a olvidarse de que antes de Luis munoz marin existía un pueblo sumido en la pobreza extrema y esta historia tiene el empuje de volverse a repetir…aunque nuestras mentes no lo conciban, esa historia se puede repetir, no le echemos culpa ni critiquemos a los que se fueron y a los que están seriamente pensando en hacerlo, la situación obliga cuando un padre de familia no puede con el empuje que tiene en su contra y decide exiliarse para proteger el bienestar propio y el de su familia, esto es bochornoso e insostenible como estos saqueadores con permiso de aquellos que votaron por ellos durante décadas, ahora no sepan que hacer…a todos aquellos ignorantes que votaron por azules y por rojo…aguanten presión si es que son tan fieles ha sus partidos de estiercol por no decir de mierda…

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Estados Unidos NUNCA ha ofrecido la estadidad para Puerto Rico. Eso es una falacia vieja, una illusiòn òptica creada por algunos que prefieren no soltar la teta. Esa Ubre esta Seca y atraviesa por sus propios problemas econòmicos.
    Hemos peleado guerras ajenas como mercenarios a cambio de $, servido de laboratorio para experimentos, bombardeados y contaminados por la marina de guerra. Pero no pueden aliviar nuestra carga…Vivimos un bloqueo Comercial de mas de 70 años. Donde solo negociamos con quien EU determina.
    El ignorar deudas no las hace desaparecer solo las engorda mas. Todos los economistas nacionales saben que nuestra deuda se disparo estrepitosamente con la Reforma de salud. Plan medico para todos?????? El.primer prestamito excedio los 92 millones y eso fue solo el.primer año de su implementaciòn!!!!! Ese disparate tiene nombre y apellido……Rosellò y los demas secuaces!!! Los.super tubos de agua y gas!!!- el robo nacional por parte de quienes nos han gobernado. Vendiendo nuestra autopistas por 40 años a un usurero!! Nuestro aeropuerto y concreteras! Todos compradores mexicanos sospechosamente luego de pasear por la isla un mes antes, Al hombre mas rico de las America’s y dueño de Claro!!!!!!! O es que Mejico cuenta con tantos millonarios… no somos ignorantes! !!
    Para Sanar hay que comenzar por extinguir esos dos partidos politicos que solo quebraron nuestra
    economìa. Y estoy muy de acuerdo con comentarios aqui….en otras naciones ya estarian presos los ladrones. O tal vez……quien sabe.
    Vende Pàtria…..Alibaba y todos sus ladrones.
    y dijo el.Washington Post ” who is this? This is the governor with the worst corruption record in history”.


  30. The corrupcion has always been in the government….not the people..generalizing ALL PUERTO RICO IS NOT FAIR..when jons opportunities…they go to the governors relatives and friend…Mayor’s relatives and friends…us the people are under…always…everything is politic related….you don’t see any WANTED SIGNS…Government are choking us the people as well…everytime they out their foot in…who pays…WE DO…and we don’t get nothing in return, not even a job opportunity…US should strangle the government…we the people as well pay for the government mistakes….WHERE IS THE MONEY???


  31. El articulo está muy bien explicado en inglés. En español, nuestros gobernantes han utilizado el dinero de nuestros impuestos para hacerse más ricos y ayudar a sus amigos y familiares cercanos. En vez de pagar, han cogido prestamos sobre prestamos y ahora tienen tremendo caos en el país. En resumen los ineptos gobernantes que han pasado a gobernar la isla tienen la isla en éste estado, por lo tanto deben hacerse responsable de las malas decisiones y cumplir con el pago. Así como yo soy responsable de pagar mi agua, mi luz, mi telefono, mi casa, etc. Eso se llama RESPONSABILIDAD! Hay mentes tan super desarrolladas que les gustan leer mangas de acción y aventura que lo pueden interepretar como la persona que escribió éste arituclo. Independientemente de lo que quiera Estados Unidos (que claramente somos como una espina en su pie), se quiere quedar con la isla, es un dinero que tiene en el bolsillo Alejandro Garcia Padilla, Luis G. Fortuño, Anibal Acevedo Vilá, Sila M., Pedro J Roselló*!, Rafael Hernandez Colón y Carlos Romero Barceló. Estas personas son responsable de esa deuda. Es dinero tomado que hay que DEVOLVER, y punto. Cuando la isla llegue una persona cuya profesión sea Administrador de empresa y no abogados y doctores tal vez el futuro estaría mas garantizado.


  32. Is there a way we cannot pay it? How can we refuse to pay?


  33. En China ya hubiesen ajusticiado a los responsables.


  34. So, you want to just REFUSE TO PAY a debt… What kind of backwards mentality is that?!

    Puerto Rico has a responsibility to its citizens. It defaulted on its debt because they, not the U.S., are swindling the people there.

    Become a State, or become an independent nation… That’s a choice given for so many years; but the “status quo” mentality of the POPULAR party has made that choice unrealized.

    You’re a joke to think that your solution will make things better. You also have an unrealistic view of what’s happening in PUERTO RICO. wake up and smell the Cafe Con Leche!


  35. Ever heard of Curacao, A Dutch island, brought financially under supervision of the Kingdom of the Netherlands after acquiring administrative autonomy in 2010


  36. Estadidad es la solución pocas palabras para buenos entendedores, Porque si la estadidad no es la solución porque toda esa Gente están emigrando hacia la estudiada??????????????? lo que pasa es que si los Puertorriqueños abrieran ya los ojos Y no se dejaran comer el cerebro por Gente que se están aprovechando de la incapacidad de los Boricuas para darse cuenta de que los tienen dormidos por décadas Yo habiendo nacido y habiéndo sido criado allí en Puerto Rico he visto con mis propios ojos las mentiras que los gobernantes han dicho atraves de los años a este pueblo tan dispuesto a trabajar juntamente con un gobierno que no los engañe mas señores porfavor todavía estamos a tiempo vamos a pedirle a los Estados Unidos que nos tiren la toalla y nos quiten de encima la horrible pesadilla de que algun dia Puerto Rico va a parecer un sitio como las peliculas de “Mad Max” muestran bueno mi Gente ahora la bola esta en su cancha vamos a hacer lo que tengamos que hacer como pueblo unido para conseguir esta estadidad y no les prometo pero les aseguro que va a ser el único escape porque Yo personalmente vivo en y bajo la estadidad y es bien distinto, justo es el mejor sistema para vivir


  37. Dear Gault Falcon:

    Who is John Gault?

    A character in a woefully stupid novel?

    Puerto Rico did not choose to “accept US assistance.”

    It was forced on them on the point of a gun.

    Many years ago.

    And it was not a matter of “choice.”


  38. Congress has a significant degree of responsibility of this situation. They did not comply with its oversight duty, and eliminated Section 936 of the IRS Code without replacing it with adequate means for developing their economy. If you own a colony, you have to take care of it.

    The Federal Administration was negotiating international agreements with other countries without considering their material negative effects on enterprises located in Puerto Rico.


  39. You should have never accepted US assistance in the first place. Now we own you because you accepted more than you could afford to pay. The hilarious part is that you are owned by a country that has no more control over their financial situation than PR does. It’s like one corrupt and bankrupted organization taking over another. The whole world has gone crazy and will end up in flames. Sad really.


  40. Si otros paises les Han perdonado la Deuda externa por que a Puerto Rico no le haven lo mismo por que otro paises Han tenido el mismo problema y no sport an nada a Estados Unidos y se la Han perdonado y Han empezado en 0 por que tanta cosa si p.r tie event muchas costs importantes en Puerto Rico como las bases de Los soldados y cuando Los nececita son Los primero que salen a defender a este gobierno y eso no lo miran y ahora quieren tirar a p.r a patas arriba podiendo ayudarlo a mejorarlo yo vivo en este pais Pedro voto siempre por este gobierno por la razon que ayude a nuestros puertorriqueños .Que culpa tienen Los puertorriqueños que Los gobernadoderes eso sinverguenza se haigan robado el dinero de los puertorriqueños para que p.r ahora este pasando por esto cojanlos gobernadores y ponganlos en la carcel para que paguen por lo que hicieron y no los puertorriqueños ahora tengan que pasar por esto y ni duemen tranquilos que culpa tuvieron ellos perdonenle la Deuda externa y despues de esto que Estados UNIDO les cotrole el dinero desde aqui para que no se los roben a los puertorriqueños esta es mi opinion por que una isla tan Bella la dejen caer por UNOs sinverguenza eso antes no era asi yo vivi muchos años en p.r y era vivir en el paraiso traten de llegar a un acuerdo por nuestros puertorriqueños….Gracias mi opinion…✌🏻️✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻


  41. Mercedes,

    You make an excellent point. The population of Puerto Rico is a bit less than that of Los Angeles…yet Los Angeles has only one mayor.

    78 mayors for a population of 3.6 million people averages out to one mayor for each municipality of 46,000 people…and all the FRIENDS and FAMILY that the mayor SQUEEZES onto the public payroll.

    The PPD and PNP have become hiring halls…delivery systems for graft and corruption.

    The GREATEST corruption is the colonial relationship that the US has imposed on Puerto Rico…and these two parties have collaborated with the US, in robbing Puerto Rico for the past 60 years.

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  42. Why does Puerto Rico need so many mayors? Is it possible remove them to save money? Do the politicians plan to take a salary cut? It’s interesting how the past governors of Puerto Rico all left to live in the states. Did they forsee this financial catastrope and not give damn about it? Greece is also very similarly in the same situation as Puerto Rico. Do we pay what corrupt politician have caused? It seems the only way to control the mismanagement is to have this “control board”. The people are expected to pay what they don’t have MONEY!


  43. Si si la gente habla mierda por hablar. La isla esta como esta por nuestros mismos gobernantes tanto pnp como populares. Me imagino que los gringos haran estas cosas como por ejemplo si hacen lo q habla este post seran miles los q abandoran la isla y para donde viajaran? Para USA y es eso lo q realmente quiere el gringo? Q este pais se llene mas de puertorriquenos? No lo creo. No hablen por hablar.


  44. Saddest thing is: Puerto Ricans are so blindly in love with everything that US does, that they will defend this hogwash.


  45. What else is new? Sad part about this is most Puerto Ricans on the Island are backing Jeb Bush, and he’s the beginning of the process. I’ve lived there for years and left. Practically my whole family born and raised there have left. No work, to much crime, drugs run rampant, and the only way to get a job is for you to allign yourself with the Political party in Power. 77 Cities, 77 Mayors, half PNP, the other POPULAR. The islands internal means of survival has long been taken away by the same Country that milks it dry and they sit there chanting Political songs in cars and waving flags. It serves them right. All it needs now is for the USA to stop all assistance and let the chips fall where they may. How I long for Lolita and ALBIZUS and otro grito De LARES.


  46. Sad but true. The worse part is that it was all carefully orchestrated by the republican party in PR. They stole the nails of every coffer of funds PR in the effort to bankrupt our island and “force” the US TO do exactly what is proposing.

    TO make PR a state? Really? Because the US have care about PR at ALL? B.s. will I need to look for another place to live when I retire? My island will be nothing I know and remember. Would I even be able to afford to go home. Just like they have done in NYC , pushed us SO far the economy ladder we are barely able to survive, not strive and live but struggle to pay pay and pay some more. Lord have mercy on my ppls.


  47. If that means to rescue our island from the mess we are in. Let them do what they have to do. Our Government sucks. Unless you have a better option or proposal. God bless 🙇 our people and our island. ❤❤❤👍


  48. Thats because the whole island is corrupted. Nobody wants to work. Everybody wants to be on welfare and sell drugs. Everybody is in your business and if you go on vacation your neighbors will rib you blind and cook you a welcome back dinner when you arrive


  49. Someone has to put a stop to this corruption. Its all the corrupted governments fault if thats the only solution well Im all for it if the governers had done their job correctly and think of the people and not of themselves this wouldnt even come up but its not fair for the puertoricans it might even help us. May this be the answer for us. We might be able to move to our island and live the way we deserve no high taxes good pay and with benefits that do correspond to us not the misery that the Puertoricans government hand to us so that they can put the rest in their pockets. So what ever is best for the island i will agree to.


  50. R u kidding? Really take away from one that has sacrificed there life for the land that our ancestors worked so hard for, this is outrageous… I do not live in Puerto Rico but my blood roots are from there…. Love my island I wish I was a millionaire…. They would not TOUCH THIS…,,


  51. I love island but they need to learn the hard way…Corruption at all lvls its what causing this island to disintegrate all together.. I will start by making it a state that’s only way it will get better no doing a protest thus and tha . Let’s face it Puerto Rico needs a change and to do that needs a lots of federal funds that it will only get if it turns into a state if they keep opposing that hey stop the whining and deal with it then.


  52. Put all the corrupt politician in jail, stop letting them get away, with a slap in the hand.
    All that happen is they either leave the island rich or they just take them out of office. No more, if they commit a crime, let the U.S. Come get all the books and those who stole, charge them
    For the crime and put them in jail.


  53. Los pueblos tienen los gobiernos que se merecen.
    Hasta que los puertorriqueños decidan cambiar su manera de pensar, seguiran teniendo el mismo estilo de gobiernos y gobernantes. El miedo, el ñangotamiento, y el ay bendito son tres aspectos del mismo caracter que; a perpetuidad hab estado pervirtiendo el caracter puertorriqueño.

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  54. i love my island and the people.. but they need to wake up. have massive protest . and get PR what i deserves . don’t wait for the bail out. its not going to happen.. there going to make it so expensive to live that the puertoricans will have to leave .and the rich will make it their paradise . like the did with Saint Thomas and the virgin island… DESPIERTA BORIQUA


  55. The past goverments of pr. Are the ones responsible for the problema of pr. Fue to corruption and bad management.let someone who is not associated with our political parties come in help manage the islands financial situation.pr. People wil not be able to do it.to much coruption and bad will.

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  56. Gentrification is taking place all over the world where those in power want to gain control of the beautiful places of the world where there are the less fortunate(so called minorities),and the rich(whites)wish to have these places to and for themselves…its happening all over the Caribbean..too many foreigners get in your country and soon enough your property taxes go up skyhigh,you can’t pay,you sell your land that has been in your family for generations and now you have nothing but some money…people without land are doomed to wander aimlessly in the wilderness…

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Puerto Rico needs a wake up call, it’s time for some order to come to the Island. It is falling more & more into the hands
    of thieves and dirty politics. Pay what we pay 35% of our income. This brings order and better administration from US.


  58. They have companies over there makng billions a year paying the people peanuts and doing it tax free. Pay what to America. Let those companies pay. Dont fold. Pray and stand firm

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  59. Pobresito Puerto Rico, welcome to the Club.
    The rich have always screwed over the poor. They have gentrified nearly every ghetto in America and now they have decided to dig their tentacles onto islands. Jamaica might be next.
    They tax the crap out of the poor but give a 20 year break to the rich. Life is getting worse by the day.


  60. USA should pay for 100+ years of leasing for all the terrain that was used as military bases, for EL Yun

    June 25, 2015
    Dear John where did you discover that the Military does’t pay for land use in PR? (Rosy, Vieques range, etc) Of course you are correct…..Congress pays and notes the Navy. Congress found the operation cost the US too much and decide to close Rosy and it’s operations. Little in return and cost too much dealing with PR. Too bad…the closing of the range did not help Vieques, Fajardo, or Ceiba. Pass through these towns and ask. Plus not much has been done with the land since the transfer…..except after the Navy was aked to close up operations (with automatic weapons Plus a few others imporvemnets to a way of life that probable will not ever be seen again……Oh Yeah!!!! “The Navy did it….. note: My family and I have had the luck experiencing a decade of that life including the freidshipe of man yld be offers by US to leave wouanViequense that have become lifetime freinds.
    One final thought and I will really try to stay away from this site….. FOOD FOR THOUGHT. During the referedum vote (Navy stay/Navy go)when weewent to vote we noticed how many more peole were voting than ay other election we experienced before…..many, many we had not seen before on the islan d, Strange?
    Plus the law wrtten fo the vote to occur had a passage in it that saying if the US referndum law was “vitiated” by any means (ie Silly Silla refer) all promises by the US (Congress) wolud be voided and the Navy would stay…. and do what the Navy does…Protect us all
    So John there may be even more in what went down then history has allowed any
    one to know………
    USA should pay for 100+ years of it is hleasine you saygfoher places be for all the terrain that was used as military bases, for EL Yunque I believe the US has.. roads schools, educatio Beca)setc 8, etc
    Please don’t make up things just to make a point…..
    Bye all
    Felix Tryliving in New York city, Paris …and a few other locations around the world…… try npushining PR unicameral and save PR money. As bad as some of it is here I ain’t leaving unless the American flag is taken down.. Me and many and many other fighting for a seat on the next flight outot…….. Oh! Hi Ruben’ where are you headed? Rubin: Orlando to visit family. vernon: me too, except I don’t have any family there,,, this was the only ticket I could get


  61. Why are some people trying to make others believe that Government Bonds are supposed to be treated as “Federal Aid”, and that the big bad wolf is just trying to WILLFULLY screw them. Puerto Rico’s population has believed for too long its own Government’s Pied Piper story that they can get the milk for free as long as someone else pays for the cow. Puerto Rico’s Government and its Public Agencies (NOT the Federal Government) issued and SOLD debt to U.S. bond holders on behalf of the Puerto Rican people, with the explicit promise to repay; always expecting that the economy would be better in the future (the ONLY reason it has been able to do it is because they are TRIPLE TAX FREE in the U.S.).
    It’s like getting a 5yr. adjustable rate mortgage (and living under the illusion that you own the property), because you think you’ll get a pay raise and be able to pay more when the rate adjustment kicks in (basically, when the shit hits the fan). If you get the pay hike, good for you. If you don’t…FORECLOSURE looms if you can’t pay the mortgage.

    The majority of the Puerto Rican people have never wanted the Island to become a State, but find it very OK to enjoy most of the benefits. Chapter 9 of the FEDERAL Bankruptcy Code applies ONLY to STATES. Puerto Rico is NOT a State. You can’t expect to be treated as a cousin when you have not wanted to be part of the family. You CAN’T have it both ways.


  62. In what way does the government feel that it is right this is a different country Puerto Rico all Latinos work harder an receive less pay as well as the money is of less value they don’t deserve this that’s peoples homes they have been there all there life what is our government thinking all because they want to be greedy all of this is wrong whatever debt they owe thats a huge amount any foreign country would struggle to pay that


  63. i remember when the governor said that she want Puerto Rico to be the Dubai of the Caribbean, that show the only purpose of this, exile everyone And allow the milloners to take over


  64. American greed is unquestionable, Puerto Rico must make a STAND!!!! Against these oppressive measures being taken!!!


  65. I am reading Nelson Denis book about PR and the more I read the angrier I get. There’s never been justice for the way we’ve been treated, first by the Spaniards then the USA. And here we go again!!!


  66. I Belive Puerto Rico is time to make the chance of estatus.to a república,or join the estade of América wicht is a repúblic.and try to subir as Alaska And the felippinas.


  67. En los ultimos años y atravez de la historia hemos visto como otras culturas han logrado cambiar el resultado de muchas injusticias, leyes etcetera. En Puerto Rico hay mas de 4 millones de habitantes (si no me equivoco) y aun mas en los Estados Unidos, vimos como los imigrantes latinos se apoyaron e hicieron marchas de miles de persones en distintos estados de EU. En la union esta la fuerza, organizacion, unionsolo de esa manera lograran los cambios. Ahora despues de todo ese trabajo y se llegue a lograr, escojer a un buenos lideres y estar pendiente a sus acciones y legalmente hacerlo responsable por sus actos. Esta con todo respeto es mi opinion. Soy de Ponce PR. vivo en Norte Amarica


  68. Interesting, it is amazing how the U.S. Government wants to handcuff the small island of Puerto Rico to pay back $73 Billion. When they had the tax payers fork up billions of dollars on these two wars and continue to fund these countries with an open bank account with no repayment. No we are not getting oil for the money. The Government needs to explain why they have forgave other countries of paying back aids in money, equipment and other goods to the government in the $200 Millions plus and they are trying to establishing a Financial Board to oversees Puerto Rico. It doesn’t make sense, I do agree that Puerto Rico needs help and the help will be that the U.S. Forgive this aid loan of $73 Bil and let them borrow so that they can get back on there feet and see if Puerto Rico Governor and it’s elected officials can lead the island. I recommend that Puerto Rican people need to stop this action and don’t pay this $73 Billion Dollars. The United States will have Puerto Rico hostage with no relief.


  69. We el pueblo de puerto rico , tainos unidos we need to do something about it right away get all together and join forces make raise again and be better than before we are the perfect race cmon lets represent what we are make puerto rico what it is la isla de el encanto. Coño despierta boricua!!!

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  70. I just have one little itsy bitsy question: What have P.R. politicians done with 73 BILLION $$$? WHO LOANED that money? WHO has benefited from it? Who was supposed to PAY for that debt? Don’t people understand that Socialism begins to stink once you run out of other people’s money? (I Know, I know, it’s not an Itsy Bitsy Question).

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  71. Was this really hard to predict? Anyone paying a minimal amount of attention could have wrote this. I love my island and my people, but years of corruption has finally caught up.


  72. Hector, those are really good questions.

    Municipalities often issue public debt instruments, just like the US government does it with “U.S. Bonds.” One key difference is that US municipalities (such as Detroit) and public authorities (such as the New York Port Authority) are allowed to file for bankruptcy protection or debt-structuring — this is roughly the equivalent of re-financing your mortgage. But Puerto Rico, as a US territory, is not currently authorized to file for bankruptcy protection or debt re-structuring.

    Due to the “JUNK BOND” rating that its debt just received, PR is also not able to access any further credit markets, either. This “Financial Control Board” is being established so that Puerto Rico will not allowed to default on the $73 billion, and to ENSURE that PR pays the $73 billion — even if it means taxing the entire island into the stone age.

    And so, Puerto Ricans will CONTINUE to flee from the island, in greater and greater numbers.

    My prediction: once enough US billionaires have built luxury tourist traps, and enough US millionaires have bought “distressed assets” (the housing left behind by Puerto Ricans fleeing in a panic) and flipped them 2 and 3 times, and once the real estate market reaches a saturation point — then and only then, will the US “re-structure” this $73 billion debt.

    In other words, when it benefits THEM.

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  73. However they decide to deal with us. Is how her creditors will deal with her.


  74. This political move must be publicized and this congressman from SC must be singled out, with the happenings in SC, this will not be welcome news. This could be a move to make PR a state?


  75. Im a New Yorker who’s parents where born on Puerto Rico. I myself, lived in PR for several years as a child, and began public elementary school there. I read this article and a few of the comments. I still have questions and need to learn more before having a concrete opinion.
    My mother was house hunting there last year and would love to move back to her home land in her retirement years with my father. But everyone warned her not to do so, because of all that is happening fiscally with the government. Electricity prices havr more than tripled, taxes are going up, and theft of property is on the rise. People that lived and worked there all their lives are in jeopardy of losing their pensions. I never knew that there where PR Bonds in existence. Is there such things for other United States properties? Is this a good thing? And how is PR going to get out of this mess without some help. Genuine help. I pray for Mi tierra linda and al my people living there. One day I hope to go back to live too, and pray there’s somewhere to go back to.


  76. primero que nada quiero dejarte saber que esto no lo buscamos nosotros por pillos y mal administradores que somos todo politico que se a trepado en el capitolio asido para beneficio de su persona desde marin ytodos los hijos de puta que hemos puesto a gobernaeste pais lo que hecho es robar y nosotes somos tan pendejos que segimos trepando los mimos hijos de puta a manenar el dinero que nos da estados unidos entonces decimos que los americanos son malos los malos somos nosotros que no sabemos criar nuestros hijos y queromos sirijir un pueblo bueno que bueno que bienen los americanosa administrar lo que es de ellos pendejo


  77. ¿Por qué está este artículo escrito en inglés, cuando en Puerto Rico el idioma máter es el español? (Why is this article written in English, when most Puertoricans speak Spanish?)


  78. It’s going to happen, not matter how hard you islanders try to stop it. I believe its for the better and the future of a decaying land. The Crime Rate, The Drugs, and over all disgrace that live there. Unfortunate for some I agree, but the life if that islands is being wasted by the youth, and a generation that has no heart, or dignity for the history of that island. I come from a Puerto Rican Family and every time they visit and come back they say the same thing “The Island of Puerto Rico is falling due to the gangs, and the youth that recklessly destroy it” If anything America is saving it. Be glad that Puerto Rico will rise and become even greater after this.

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  80. Great, informative piece. A move for action.


  81. This is bullshit an we as puerto Ricans can’t let this happened let’s move together people

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  82. I have lived and worked, paid taxes, contributed to the community, purchased and paid taxes on real-estate, raised and educated two children, in the years from 1969 till right now. I am an American and my wife is from Europe…. and we both love Puerto Rico,,,,,,, nuff said…. Gringo go home??? I AM HOME,
    Some of what I read in blogs seems to have been made up…… lots of imagination missing are some historical facts Dr,Rex. Any idea who left PR (1897) to go petition the US government to include PR in its resolution for Cuba to also include PR in the deal (writings Sr Moscoso prior 2000) The same group of Puerto Ricans returned with the Americans and many of the US troops were billeted in private homes of the people of Guanica.
    Dr. Rex if it bothers you so much these minor things I suggest you leave PR . PR Airport isn’t far away from any place in PR

    Taxes?? Try Europe Real-estate So much easier here to own a home freedom.
    ps We did live a number of years in Viequies untill the Navy left. Actually the Navy was requested to close the base by the US congress.With all the talk as to how much was going be dome by insular government is sad. Vieques now as with Ceiba an /Fajardo..ask the people living here what the closing here meant for them. It was financially difficult.Try doing without the US for a decade or two. Twenty thirty years you have a revolution and you get it all back .yeah!! Just like Cuba

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  83. Norma Morales you are right, except for this: USA should pay for 100+ years of leasing for all the terrain that was used as military bases, for EL Yunque as the only “US” tropical forest, and for all the buildings in our land. Then they can go and eliminate all financial help. But without our contribution to social security, medicare, and other federal insurances we are obligated to pay. Don’t be so ignorant.


  84. Wrong Puerto Rico has had debts for many many many years, many has been scroudal by many of our corrupt politicians and many politician who have been good to try to resolve where the money’s going, what spent, what bills to pay.

    It doesn’t work that way, when a new govern comes in and in a couple of months the island is broke. When a
    New govern, president, mayor , etc. he is left with from previous G, P or M to clean up his mess or pick up the pieces where they left it.
    Puerto Rico needs a government from out of the island, and it need the help our help from our country to resolve it. Many who had run in Puerto Rico has been born and raised, studied there. We need outsiders to help bring back the riches Puerto Rico has but to benefit the Puerto Rican, not the outsiders From other countries including ours, bankers, brokers, hotels, clubs, etc make themselves rich, while we loose our heritage, our land, and wealth who we PR cant benefit from the wealth from our own island because of the government , not so knowledgeable and because we are letting our selves be taken advantages of these foreignor stealing from us.
    Go to Puerto Rico and go to hotels, clubs, realtors, bankers none are from Puerto Rico (owners).


  85. We have lived our life on the island and off the island as if everything was fine, we will never be fine we must work until we are not fiscally un able to work but the 1percent still has a strong hold on this country and everything it puts it’s greedy claws on we the people not just on the island are living an elussion of prosperity, this government bailed out the big banks and will not see half that money paid back and we the tax payers will pay that money back to the federal reserve bank but we alow big corperations to not pay their portions of taxes and the working poor have to fit the bill and please let’s not forget our government who work not for the good of the people but for the good of big corperations who fund the big campion to stay in office. We a rested a man who scammed investors of their life savings it was call the ponz scam and our government does the same thing everyday we are just to busy working for the next smart phone or the next new truck or a bigger house when are we going to get together cut the bull crap and do somthing instead of talking like we know what is really going on the plan of the one percent is worse then we dare to know


  86. I moved to the island in 1980
    Worked hard for 35 years
    I invested my retirement money with UBS in Puerto Rican bonds
    Now your saying I should lose my retirement money because our local government (PR)
    Is inefficient.

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  87. I’m a War Hero… Tell Mrs Senetor of SC…
    Let do a one on one for Two MINUTES.., i will stick His rebal flag up his ASS….


  88. How is it your debtor’s fault that you owe so much??? Because he lent you with YOUR promise to payback??? So you loan money and then expect that it will just be given to you? No sir, the problem does not come from above. The problem has been and is this country’s LOCAL ruthless rulers that would prostitute their own mothers in order to be able to win another election, in order to steal from our arcs for their friends and family. The tyrants are in our own house.

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  89. @Eve

    Yes all these problems started with the new governor. They sure haven’t been an on going problem for the last 20 years or so, give or take. The economical state that we are in is definitely not an accumulation of bad governorship over the past years. This just happened right now and there is no way that when this “stupid governor” (which I agree with) started we were already in hole so deep that no matter who took over things they would be in the exact same situation. I always wonder how people can be so politically blind to fool themselves in to believing that this is one political parties fault. You state “They should removed him for good” yeah because that’s gonna make every problem go away… If only it was that simple!


  90. Stop complaining About the USA, if USA Would stop the help, most OF the Island Would die OF húnger. It is aparent that our beautiful Island cant exist with out the USA. WHY does a governor need to live in a palace with services.? Hére in the USA governors a live in their own prívate homes among other Citezens. WHY so many alcaldes? Divide the Island cíties and have one alcalde for a couple OF cíties. May God help our Puerto Rico and their people. I Love my Island and It Sad to see such destrucción.

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  91. sorry to hear that the island that i was born in, and taken from at 9 months old is going thru such pain.

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  92. I don’t see the US intervention as a bully stealing our lunch money. It is more like the saviour who opens the door for a retard who is eternally trapped in a room because he has yet to master the complicated art of using a doorknob.

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  93. America has been doing this since our founding Fathers took north america away from the Indians an now Puerto Rico fat rich greedy mother fuckers smh!!!!!!


  94. Americas a bully if america wanted to get out of debt take from the rich increase taxes on people who make more like republicans, billionairs from Forbes list such as billionair families and bill gates they don’t have we’re becoming more like the russians if we take what we want instead of earning it though hard work hard working Puerto Ricans who don’t have are fleeing there homeland cause of us that’s fucked up who are we to steal from them ik there a Commonwealth but not by choice we forced them to be that way now we’re forcing them again how much can we take from someone who has nothing already that’s heritage we’re stealing they can’t pay so they leave off the land they we’re born and raised from for many generations I’m done I have ideas and teachings I’m taking them with me I can’t take it the way you will treat them and Americas ppl can’t take it


  95. Very stupid statement to say that PR should not pay all debt .. The person who wrote dont have any idea the consequences , not only for the people of PR but also thousands of people that have retirement plans in PR and the USA .

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  96. En Borinqen va a pasar lo que esta pasando con Grecia por lo menos en Grecia la gente esta protestan en Borinquen esta todo el pueblo esperando los copones de alimento en sus CASAS VIENDO NOVELAS, WARNING SI los republicanos ganan cámara y senado muchas cosa van a cambiar en Borinquen no seas ana gota Boricua abre tus ojos los Dominicamos chinos mexicanos Cubanos y tantos otros se están quedando con nuestra patria y a ti que irte a florida donde el dinero lo regala Micky Mouse………SOL….Primero te lo corregí…Muchas faltas ortográficas……..Segundo….ni los Cubanos ni los Chinos ni mucho menos los Dominicanos nos están quitando nada….Pasa es que personas como tu que solo viven del ”Gobierno” y de la ayuda no le gusta trabajar y esos trabajos que lo ”BORICUAS” no les gusta hacer….”ALGUIEN” tiene que hacerlo……SOL te aconsejo que busque un trabajo de esos que …Los Cubanos, Chinos y Dominicanos estan haciendo y te pongas a trabajar para ayudar el desarrollo de; ”La Isla Del Encanto”…!!!!!


  97. Ésto no es culpa del incompetente gobernador si no de nosotros mismos por ser tan ignorantes y ponwr primero el fanatismo político que la razón y aún hoy sse mantienen con la mente de partidos fanáticos y olvidando todos los sucesos que provocaron esta situación desde romero hasta el presente nosotros el pueblo cosechamos esto ahora tenemos él fruto de niestra estupidez


  98. I totally disagree with your views on who is responsible for the financial stuation that is presently affecting Puerto Rican. I believe that the situation in Puerto Rico is a well executed plan initiated by members of weath and influence who see the island as a potential wealth producing product. However, the obstacle is the present population, and this is something that has been planned for decades. The planners used what I would term “control Education”. Teach children that they are in a hopeless and irreversible situation where only the politicians can provide subsistence so they can survive, and where Americans are at fault for their problems and poverty.
    What they the conspirators did not count on was that there were educators out there who realized what was going on and decided to teach their pupils over and beyond the established guidelines as dictated by the island legislators and others from America And beyond. Combine that with the worldwide web and family members who left the island in search of a better life and who informed family members on the island as to what they discovered in other countries and you have the nucleus of the present governments actions. There is no doubt in my mind that the present governments action is to drive as many Puerto Ricans off the island so that vast purchases of real estate can be effected for pennies on the dollar, and when all the prime real estate has been purchased then miracles of miracles the high prices on everything will go dramatically down making life affordable again., but for who. This is what I believe The U. S. Government has recognized and is on the verge of correcting and eliminating this very dangerous and criminal situation. I expect that in one form or another retaliation will be coming. But I guarantee all who read this that I will not back down from what I have stated here. The Puerto Rican government is using the same tactics as the government in Venezuela, and I welcome what The United States government has planned for Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans


  99. I happen to have been born and raised in the Island. Left in 1982 because of the bad economy and unemployment. Never finished college; but I’m FULLY bilingual (Read, Speak, and Write both Spanish and English). Worked my ass off in one of the most dangerous cities of that time, NYC, when the murder rate was in the THOUSANDS/year, and you practically took your life in your own hands if you ventured out at night. Worked in camera stores, appliance stores, in a building (janitor and doorman), and as a NYC subway conductor for 24 1/2 yrs. Just retired with my pension and SS. I teach basic photography (FREE) at my local library. I lived right next to a sugar cane plantation. One of my friends was, at one time, P.R.’s youngest sugar cane grower, and now lives in Mexico. Another was an aspiring photographer, went to Brooks Institute, has his own business in Arizona, and has never looked back. My cousin , who also lives in the U.S., has a very successful career in the Aerospace field. Another cousin, who moved to Texas, is a very well respected IT professional. Other members of my family have left the Island with very good results for themselves and their families. ALL those who have stayed (there’s not a single one that depends on federal aid, to my knowledge) are crying the economic blues because they are being squeezed like lemons. Members of my family include from the struggling to make ends meet, to professionals and business owners.

    I lived the experience of seeing so many people having a higher standard of living while being unemployed, than others that worked full time. It reaffirmed the desire for more “free” benefits. Why work, when you can have it for free? THERE’S NO FREE LUNCH. Agriculture was thrown out the window. Tourism, by itself, can’t support the Island. Investment, as a term, has been DEMONIZED, yet those who open a small business, are INVESTING theirs, or some one else’s money, with the expectation of PROFIT, or at least support themselves (or they will NOT stay in business). NO ONE has been successful by selling dollars for 95 cents, and then try to make it up with volume. Even a Non-Profit depends on influx of money from somewhere.

    GOVERNMENT has become the economic engine. Did ANYONE ever stop to think that the “Government’s Money” has to come from somewhere? It’s either from the population or from external sources. LOCAL Politicians made the Island what it is today. The people VOTED for those politicians because they BELIEVED the story: “Vote for us and Government will take care of you”.

    As an aside, I can’t understand is why so many people have this illusory thinking that P.R. was in ANY way, shape or form, better under SPANISH rule, with it’s slavery (up to the 1870’s), and the APPALLING poverty rate of most of its population, than after 1898.

    If the communist model was such a success, nobody took the trouble to let Cuba know that after the USSR stopped subsidizing their economy, it would crash. Anyway, Cuba is an INDEPENDENT country, belongs to the WTO, and should be able to take care of its own (and PLEASE, don’t keep blaming it on the “embargo”). Cuba, in spite of the much ballyhooed embargo, has a very successful cigar industry, Habanos S.A. with it’s brand: COHIBA (which, by the way were originally produced just for Fidel and his top officials), and is exported to the world. This has no relation to the Dominican produced COHIBA). Ask yourself, why China, of all places, has decided to separate the economy (adapting capitalistic principles) from its politics, welcoming foreign INVESTMENT, and becoming such a Juggernaut?

    Now Raul is beginning to adapt the same approach as China. Everyone is beginning to consider Cuba as an (wait for it…) INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. OOPS, did I mention the word OPPORTUNITY?

    Want to call me a “sell out”? Couldn’t care one bit. Misery loves company, and I, for one, will not go back to suffer the consequences of such stupidity. I GUARANTEE you that, (even if so many bitch and moan and complain about life in the U.S.) if you take all the ex-pats, and brought them back to the Island, to rebuild the future “paradise”, you would see the longest line EVER at the airport to get back out. If WE haven’t done it voluntarily, there must be one hell of a good reason.


  100. if Puerto Rico was free! exchange with other republics would bi beach sand God bless U.S.A.always been on the side giving the people what they need Thanks motherland U.S.A


  101. That’s fucked up America’s greed is leaving us Puerto Ricans assed out and in debt to everyone their is something America wants in Puerto Rico and that is a massacre of our ppl and to control what they have no rights to they can’t fix America so their going to strong arm an island that they put in debt

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  102. In other words we dont want to pay back what we borrowed years ago to build streets, buildings, and pay salaries. And that is ok.


  103. This is why Puerto Rico should wake the fuck up. If it’s not the Dominican’s who now think they own Puerto Rico it’s the fucking u.s. Puerto Rico should have stopped the illegal aliens first and then handle the u.s. accordingly. The u.s. has not done anything for Puerto rico since they have landed on the island. Puerto Rico has been under attack for year’s now and the people on the island need to wake up seriously. If not our island will be sold under our nose’s. China has told the u.s. we want Puerto Rico as a form of payment because the u.s. is in default with China for Trillion’s of dollar’s and China wants it’s money now no more waiting so this could be related. Wake up Puerto Rico wake up.



  104. Sad but so true, it’s so true that this government and I mean this stupid governor doesn’t know how to govern. They should removed him for good.


  105. Ok, first of all I want to make perfectly clear that personally, I do believe all people have a right to self determination and independence fromany empire. However, Puerto Rico -seen from the inside, like from where I am now- seems to have a bleak future if left in the hands of local politicians. Reality is than only a smal percent of the local population believes independence will solve our problems and think there’s a better chance of survival if the gringos take over, at least for a while. Don’t look at that reality from the nostalgic eyes of the Diaspora. You have to analize it from our point of view, and when I say OUR, I mean the people that are actually having a hard time surviving IN the Island. It is easy to call out a conspiracy against the local government if we think of it as an attack towards our “puertorriqueñidad”, but put yourselves in our shoes. We have serious economical turmoil because when we had the chance to self determine our future we chose to play dumb and let the politician rob the country.


  106. This situation is due to corrupted and poor government from both PPD and PNP political
    parties.There are no excuses from these parties they both have destroyed the Puerto Rican economy.


  107. Im so glad that some one is coming to the dig Islandia Puerto Rico . I live here and i feel soory for Puerto Rico your out beautiful Islandia is dying little by little. The goverment steal and the wie have pay for all the mess they do in the White House. My son live in Florida and he say alkñmost all the teachers etc….. are leaving the Islandia. What a pity. There are no jobs everybody is suffering with the IVu the gas the food we eat. The milk in florida coast 2.99 over here in Puerto Rico what, 7.99 and the IVU son is coning to kill it all. I wish somebody come down here for real and take these goverment people out it the system. I dont know for surf whats going to happen in the Elección. The PEOPLE OF PUERTO RICO NEED YOUR HELP. PLEASE HELP THIS ISLAND. Thank i hope you take this issue SERIOUS SOS SOS SOS SOS SOS.


  108. Government officials in Puerto Rico should stop being corrupt n stop letting the Cartel sell heroin. People should elect officials that stabilize their country . Stop letting the USA bully her.


  109. Whats going on the Island is poor Politics. They are struggling because political parties only care to be in the big house. We the people of Puerto Rico know that the Goverment is too big, but they refuse to cut employess.( inwhich the majority are political favors.) I I agree for the mainland to take over and correct the situation with the Island. We would like to stay home. I wrote a litter to President Obama stating to correct our statist he could save money by making Puerto Rico a county of Florida. BEST REGARDS


  110. Human behavior is subject to the same laws as any other natural phenomenon. Our customs, behaviors, and values are byproducts of our culture. No one is born with greed, prejudice, bigotry, patriotism and hatred; these are all learned behavior patterns. If the environment is unaltered, similar behavior will reoccur.

    Today, much of the technology needed to bring about a uniform resource based economy in our “Isla Del Encanto” exists. If we choose to conform to the limitations of our present monetary-based economy, then it is likely that we will continue to live with its inevitable results: war, poverty, hunger, deprivation, crime, ignorance, stress, fear, and inequity. On the other hand, if we embrace the concept of a global resource-based economy , learn more about it, and share our understanding with our friends, this will help Puerto Ricans evolve out of its present state.

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  111. It needs to happen, government there is 100% corrupt. When you got monopolies and you bankrupt them, something is wrong!! I have lived there for the past 10 years, it is aweful, second amendment is not honored and they throw the cops and national guard at protestors. Look at the fbi reports how they trample our civil rights…..


  112. Wow, I was not aware of this, but, it’s a model that is being played in Europe as well. Greece is an example of this very strategy, where the Greeks are having to sell their sovereignty, and allow the banks to come in and strip them of there rights and dignity… It’s a master plan, and Puerto Rico is just another conquest. The world over is having so much turmoil, no one is paying attention. The criminal element only makes it difficult for our people to band together under one banner of resistance, playing right into the hands of the “divide and conquer”… Tsk tsk….


  113. OMG where does this author had been ALL these years. Dear author For Your information PR is a colony…Colonia .. Please…. Get over it. Don’t try to play the good boys and bad boys game. Les molesta que EU intervenga pero se van a mendigar migajas por fondos federales… Qué bonito!,, así cualquiera… Que ridiculez !,,,,

    Los puertorriqueños por años han sabido que este estatus colonial ha sido para beneficiar específicamente a todos los oligarcas que viven en la isla y como muchos otros que viven entre EU y PR. Como pretende decir que PR no necesita una Junta Financiera.

    Donde vive el autor? Usted acaso esta en PR ahora mismo? Usted sabe cuantos millonarios ha creado el estatus actual y del que se benefician los cabilderos, compañias, El Nuevo día, los exgobernadores, incluso los llamados patriotas como Yulin,Gutierrez, Nydia Velazquez y por supuesto los seudo puertorriqueños patriotas como VIverito que gritan vivaPR independiente pero como usted se la pasan viviendo en USA. Ganado Dinero americano y sobre todo no van a PR a aportar.

    Ahora mismo los costos de hacer negocio en PR son horribles, no le esté echando la culpa a los congresistas, si PR esta así es porque la gente ha permitido vivir un juego una burbuja que se acabó.

    Lo peor que no pague la deuda, acaso usted no ve como esta Grecia, como esta Argentina! Venezuela étc… Le invito a que venga a vivir ala Isla y pague la luz, agua, seguros, compra etc y no le doy un mes. Saldrá corriendo como muchos buenos puertorriqueños que se han ido porque no pueden continuar con la ineptitud y la incompetencia de este gobierno.

    Deje la etiqueta de revolución y vea la realidad. Que mucha gente hablando de PR despierta… Estamos en una pesadilla y los que están en EU cuando PR sea independiente vendrán a vivir acá… Estoy segurísima que no…

    B. Garcia


  114. First thing is less government. I believe the island has over 70 mayors which is totally unnecessary. Also they love creating job titles for their supporters n friends which continues to strangle the economy. All the major cities should have a mayor controlling their area n caring for the benefit of its residents.
    They should consolidate services cutting favorable jobs to their cronies and cut salaries for all legislators as well as mayors n governor, everyone has to contribute. They also have to eliminate that tax breaks to billionaires which make no sense at all. I still can’t believe the people allowed that law to pass!!!
    They should find a solution to the ever present problem of non tax payers n raise the property taxes to a reasonable amount which will enable the island to pay its debt. They also need to go back to agriculture and farm all the land available. I guarantee u that the wealthy stateside will jump at the opportunity to farm n sell there products right back to the the island as they were during the sugar farming.
    We need to stop importing those items we can grow ourselves n learn how to appreciate what we have. Stop hiring all these companies from outside the island telling us what to do without being a part of our people.
    In closing our people in and out of the island have to stop being so proud of PR only during parades and return to the island and help the economy by vacationing n enjoying the beautiful sites that are available just as other citizens from other Latino countries do. Stop saying ure a proud Puertorican and show it, the proof is in the pudding. Politics here has to be reinvented get rid of these same ole politicians n political parties we must reinvent ourselves!!!


  115. All I can is that Obama is forgiving a whole lot of countries from paying the debt’s and loans they owe America its just not a Republican thing its a Democrat and opportunistic thing to destroy my ancestors heritage and history due to making it a resort for the rich only.im ready to fight for this I will participate in as many demonstrations as I can.not my heritage not my island


  116. This doesn’t surprise me, This is what they do , greed is the root of all evil, it’s sad, one day people are going to get sick , and tired of it ,and overthrow the government, it has happened in history plenty of times, dont see why it couldn’t happen again.


  117. For those that are not political; Puerto Rico is an island that cannot and will not be taken over with the unity of the people and the will to fight will keep P.R. alive. It’s true every one has to eat but the U.S. only wants to gorge.


  118. It’s very simple, if Puerto Rico doesn’t want to do this then go independent. Stop asking the U.S. For help and stop asking for hand outs. People staying on food stamps and collecting unemployment when they don’t want to go find a job.


  119. mire compay la 936 la mando aquitar Rosello para cambiarla por otra ley que nunca llego a nada.Rosello y su pandiya dejaron a P.R. como esta ahora asi acesorate antes y despues hablas.


  120. The us needs Puerto Rico just as much as we need the us I think they mshould not make us pay anything it’s bullying it communism if you ask me they are broke so now they are strong arming


  121. Puerto Rico is in debt the island is in a crisis America took over Puerto Rico that is true. But can you imagine Puerto Rico standing alone el tiburon would have swallowed it up that is communist. Puerto Rico can’t do it by itself America has taken Puerto Rico to a different level were none of the islands are today. Can you imagine maduro or Cuba running Puerto Rico. When you go to the bank and you take a loan that pay back as a tax payer I don’t want pay for for freeloaders and unfortunately Puerto Rico has been freaking out even though I understand the use of the island that goes hand-in-hand Americal is a great country land of the free.


  122. This is not true at all, Our past administration in PR, of Former Governor, Honorable Luis G. Fortuño Burset came in with a worst scenario of debt and government excessive expenditure, not to mention that Governor Acevedo Vilá overcrowded the government with an unprecedented number of employees…..

    The problem in Puerto Rico is not a problem of income, is a problem of excessive expenditures, due to a gigantic government that it’s not proportional with a decreasing population, who is fleeing the island, because the Idiot and Moron governor Alejandro García Padilla and his colleagues are not continuing the recommendations of Wall Street, to reduce the size of the government and the excessive expenditures on stupid on senseless programs.

    This administration is not willing to pay the GO’s and the Hedge Funds that they sold in the money market , We have today the most irresponsable and negligent government in PR history, who are not willing to pay and are close to default the island economy, this action will inflict a terrible blow that will outlast generations, and will plunge millions of US Citizen in extreme poverty, just to satisfy the demands of the Neo-Socialist Government of the Partido Popular Democrático.

    This report is irresponsible and does not have any truth in it……. The US have to take over this government and put this leaders in jail, for fraud and racketeering…… This is a lie, all the content in this report is not true at all…… This is pure Bullshit from this actual administration in Puerto Rico…….


  123. Thanks for replying to my post. I got your point and I want no one stealing nothing from my fellow citizens of PR. I don’t like billionaires being treated with preference over us puertorricans, but I also don’t want to be robbed again. My point is very clear, I would rather see the government halt any development on public works for the next ten years and see the government shrink to the level we can pay and be paid back my money than seeing the government default on its debt (and keeping my money) and still raise taxes to take more money from my already depleated pockets and still not paying the debt.

    There might be options to save PR, but the morons that we happen to have in the government (being red or blue I don’t care about the color) don’t worry about the country or the people they are pushing to move to the states. They only care about themselves and the people that contribute to their campaign.

    Finally, I respect you opinion and I partially agree with it but we puertorricans have to learn the lesson, we let those thiefs take what belong to us, now we must be brave and face the consequences of our own stupidity. We deserve to be paid our money back.


  124. Saul,

    Your points are well-taken, but there are other options here. The US government could act as guarantor, or extend the same tax abatement and tax preferences to the bondholders, that are being extended to high net-worth investors (ie, hedge fund billionaires such as John Paulson). In addition, this month’s HARVARD MAGAZINE (July-August 2015, pp. 11-12) states the following:

    “Debt levels in many advanced economies exceed 100 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). In the United States, for example, government debt is currently 105 percent of GDP.”

    “In the United States, banks are required to hold more government debt in their portfolios.”

    In other words, the US extends itself enormous latitude (exceeding its own yearly GDP) and even forces the private sector to carry its debt. Until recently, the US public debt was over ONE TRILLION and climbing.

    That same US government now extends a double standard to Puerto Rico and says “YOUR debt will not be carried, re-structured, or re-configured in any way. PAY UP…PAY UP…PAY UP ! ! !”

    That is abusive, destructive, and nakedly self-serving.

    No one is saying that, in the long run, Puerto Rico should be allowed to “stiff” anyone. But to BREAK Puerto Rico and FORCE hundreds of thousands of people (eventually millions) to move off the island, while simultaneously extending tax preferences to predatory capitalists who will essentially ROB the distressed assets that are left behind…is a THEFT OF AN ENTIRE ISLAND.



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  125. Dear Author,

    I may coincide with you in that puertorricans must not allow to be strangled. We must not allow neither the U.S. government nor our own local “government”. Where I do not concur with you is when you say that government must not pay its debt. Go figure that I happen to be not only a taxpayer in PR, I’m also a bond holder and I, like thousands of other good puertorricans, would like to be payed back our hard earned money. We lend it to the government for public works not to make rich people in PR reacher than they already were. We were already robbed by the government and those that live from our taxes, we must not let the government steal our money again. The government has to pay the debt simply because we are owed. Government needs to cut expenses now! We cannot afford to have a government this size. We cannot have a government we can’t afford. Government needs to downsize to what we can afford with our tax capacity, not raise taxes so they can keep this humongous government structure that we currently have. So, let me tell you something, what we puertorricans cannot and must not allow is to be robbed twice. When the government cuts their expenses to the levels they have to, they will be able to pay the debt. Would you like to be robbed? What about being robbed twice like you suggest?

    Liked by 1 person

  126. The debt is no violation. If you spend more than you earn, thats what you get. PR has demonstrated it is incapable of managing its finances. This is not a bully taking over, we did this to ourselves and now we NEED someone’s help. And there certainly is a price to pay for it. I only hope that future governments have learnt the lesson.


  127. Since 1898 Washington and Wall Street has behaved like a boa constrictor, slowly but surely squeezing the resources, human and natural, out of P.R. It is nothing short from being “cultural genocide”, what they have done to the economy of P.R. and the people.


  128. Typical move from the us of america they lend you and lend you all you want to borrow and wen they want their money if you can’t pay they make there own law and try to take what is not theirs and we all this mothe–r F–ck–rs politicians that sell their ass for money they just packet a couple of millions and give up the Island they don’t yhink about their children or no one for that matter;Right now there is no way a poor person could live in new york because the rent and the food and the money are so hard to get that we must do something like moving soon also from Puerto Rico there are so many things I will like to write but I will never finished let God have mercy on us there is a lot more to it than SSI!



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  130. We must take back the island by any means nessisery. The way hundreds of thousands puerto Ricans have fought and defended and died for the United States NOW we must do the same for OUR homeland.


  131. It’s time for us to stand up and be proud enough of this Common Wealth/Statehood Wake Up!!!!!!what would be proper being so called Governor? Or President This is Boriquen King it is time Pedro Albizu Campos,Hostos,Lolita Lebron Gritos!!!! It’s Time!!!!!!!!!


  132. Us wants money but who Is goin to pay pr for what the us did wen the military was posted in Puerto Rico still have nuclear waste in our beaches the us comes to pr destroy it and den ask for money wow 😲


  133. So I guess China will be taking the US over cause don’t the US owe them billions smh I hate how people think they could just do what they want for money, you know how many people are going to suffer if this happens. They’re doing bad as it is and ya wanna make it worse smh fucking bullies! Shouldn’t have let that debt get to that number. They did it on purpose cause its the only way this would’ve happened, ugh disgusted 😠😠


  134. I have stated that United States Congress is the one responsible for Puerto Rico ills. Whether it’s Statehoods, Independence, Environment, Health, And Money matters, In Other words if the house belongs to you everything is on your shoulders and to give Puerto Rico there independence, And siterra. If Puerto Rico had gone and default That would have paved the way for the for independents on the Island And with that Puerto Rico will be the Investor’s Property away from the hands of the United States By Law. Here is the reason the United States will not let Puerto Rico be own by anybody. Because anything like the environmental conditions and the health conditions of the People of the Island is still the responsibility of the united States into the lap of Congress. You will not be talking Millions But Billions a lot more then if the were to take care gradually from up to 10 or 20 years. So in other words Statehood will be out the question until that time or longer while it goes through the court system, It might go up to 100 years.. Congress is in no hurry, They hold the purse.


  135. This is unconstitutional to the AMERICAN CITIZENS of PUERTO RICO!


  136. i am all for outside government to step in and help, monitor or save Puerto Rico. It’s not the Puerto Rican or all others nationality that has migrated to Puerto Rico (citizens or non-citizens) but the corrupt government that has been going on for years and years and years . Finally when one person who comes into office in Puerto Rico and is slapped with billions of dollars stolen from so many in the govt office. That the the only ways was to declare Puerto Rico bankrupt. But let me say this I don’t only think it was government but many of others opportunist ( bankers, millionaires, etc ) from many country who have taken advantages of the island people’s and have made themselves millionaires while the (Borinquens) have to work for minimums wages. I am for having taxes (this helps build roads, homes, schools, etc) I think if their were taxes way back then it wouldn’t be as bad. But to go nuts and start raising taxes all of a sudden 11% here , 7% there is absurd. Raise those % to the Hotels , stores that has so many employees, raise the taxes to the foreigners who are building condos, stores, clubs, who really don’t live I Puerto Rico but want to pay cheap taxes and lives rich from those who are very unfortunate. I could go on and on. But this is just my own opinion.


  137. In the same manner that slavery is a violation of human rights, colonial exploitation is also a violation of human rights.

    Don Pedro noted this in a very memorable statement: “According to the United States, owning one man makes you a scoundrel, but owning an entire nation makes you a colonial benefactor.”

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  138. Home owners should pay a property tax you only pay tax when you rent now all those billion dollars houses pay there fare share also they must get rid of all illegal cause that’s draining the economy there.
    There is alot that can be done to get out of the financial pit the island is in but what I’d like to know how the hell did it get to 73 billion.


  139. President Bill Clinton repealed IRS section 936, many pharmasutical companies and other companies left Puerto Rico when thy lost their tax exemption. Now another Clinton wants to be President to most likely do more damage. This started a job lost spiral. The Island Governor at the time kicked the Navy out of Vieques. At the time, the island was receiving over 325 million dollars from the Federal Government for using Vieques. This did not include the money that was spent by visiting sailors. The Army left the Island more money lost from soilders and civilians who visited and/or worked on the Island and spent their money. Puerto gave up on agriculture, they relied on tourism as their cash crop. What will Puerto Rico and the other Caribbean Islands do when Cuba opens its doors to tourism? The current Governor raised income taxes. People started voting with their feet and left the island. Island residents always enjoyed the common wealth status because of the benifits. Now you pay sales tax, property taxes and other taxes but you can’t vote for your President because Puerto Rico is not a State and you are U.S. citizens. This is a result of Puerto Ricans going to bed with one political party, for over forty years. Now Puerto Rico has been left high and dry to fend for itself. The Democrats know they have you in their pockets, the Republicans won’t bother because they know the island won’t vote for them so now the island is at the mercy of anyone who will have compassion.

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  140. I’m curious how does this violate international rights? PR is a commonwealth to the US. It has never been its own sovereign nation. Although its unfortunate, it still is a US territory, these are the unforseen consequences.


  141. I’m curious, how is this violating international rights? Puerto Rico is a commonwealth to the US. It is and never has been its own soverein nation. Although it is unfortunate it still is a part of US territory.


  142. Y cual es el problema??? Si tu me debes a MI 73billones yo te busco hasta en la China. El autor sugiere que PR sea mala paga, después de coger fiado por décadas. Los políticos y el gobierno se roban hasta los clavos de la cruz y US lo sabe! El autor se cree q van a venir y hacer otra masacre de ponce? Estamos en el 2015 mi gente! No sea tan ignorante. Lo mejor q le puede pasar a PR es que arrestan/boten como bolsa la basura corrupta que se roban el dinero del pueblo! Desafortunadamente hay que combatir la ignorancia antes de la corrupción.

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  143. Felix the answer is not statehood for a number of reasons. First I could address that under statehood the US taxpayers will be on the hook for the extra $15 billon a year that has to be send to the island. This money is not free Puerto Rico has to pay that back every year and from what source seeing that taxes are incredibly high now. And besides why should the American people plus congress accept a state with very serious economical problems. Independence is the logical road to a real recovery knowing that we will have direct access to many countries markets without going through the US tax codes and regulations. The cabotaje law will finally be eliminated giving us more control to are shipping lanes.


  144. They need a bailout, like some of these states in Americagot.


  145. The biggest problem we have on the island is the politicians on the island that have become rich on the backs of the people with empty promises. Do we really need a full time legislature? The borrowing was done by the politicians to line their pockets and those of their friends. This reminds me of the European powers when they had their colonist. The colonial governments and the colonist that supported them became rich and left the people and the land in poverty.


  146. Puerto Rico, because of its commonwealth status does not have the ability to properly deal with its financial crisis. It cannot barter for what it needs to survive. At a time when all eyes are on Cuba for corporate investments, wouldn’t it be preferable to help Puerto Rico rather than a communist country ? Seems we’ve been down this road before with Cuba and the United States got burned when they nationalized the country. That debt has not been paid to this day.


  147. I share the concern for giving up control over local finances. But I fail to see how self declaring the island a clearly unreliable borrower reaffirms any human rights or improves the situation. Our local government did borrow the money and spend it. Instead of defaulting, we should come up with proposals for how to raise revenue, perhaps increasing tourism and generating private sector jobs that allow citizens to pay taxes and live comfortably. Our concerns should be resolved by improving Puerto Rico, not by destroying whatever is left of our reputation for responsible self determination.

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  148. I was forwarded this piece of propaganda by a friend from the UPR; here are my 2 cents:

    The United States has given Puerto Rico access to the best quality of life throughout the better part of the last century by means of water infrastructure, electrical distribution, major road building, airports, direct investment from wealthy US based entrepreneurs, access to the US banking system, and social services and entitlements whose purpose were that of bringing a podzol in the Caribbean up to the socio-economic standards of the group of states that compose its union.

    During the last 70 years, the PPD has systematically utilized the funds assigned by the colonizer (the US) as though it, as a political party and intra-colony centrist institution representing the interests of the owners of the Haciendas and new industrialists who fear the conversion of the colonial economy into one who is a more secure investment for US based investors, situation that would become true if Puerto Rico became a full fledged member of the united states by becoming a state. In doing so, pieces of propaganda like this article by Nelson Denis have been the mainstay of their tactics in order to instill fear and resentment of the colonizer (the US) and position the Puerto Rican situation as one of inequality and despair in the mind of the generally uneducated (as per world standards) populace living in the islands of Puerto Rico. Unaware of this ploy, many Puerto Ricans have fallen prey to their tactics and the fear and resentment created have effectively given way to a society that shuns the learning of foreign languages and the well treatment of tourists, especially those from the US.

    In order to become a state, Puerto Ricans have to assume a position of responsibility and mature recognition of their status as a self-imposed colony. Whenever an individual assumes the responsibility of a loan, it is given a chance to become an adult and live up to the promise to pay as per the terms accorded during the transaction. The same premise stands true as applied to states borrowing from other states, nations, banks, investment groups, etc. Any deviation from the original accord by the borrower is a breach of contract and consequences are to be expected. The only thing that may not be changed is the reality that our global creation of wealth is predicated on the premise of borrowing and paying (living up to one’s word), i.e. becoming an adult.

    The artificial panorama created by the PPD has come to a close (the artifice of creating jobs and the expansion of government as a tool to secure its position as the ruling party with the practice borrowing from local and foreign bondholders);much like what happened during WW2 with the Goebbels war propaganda machine who until the last moment when the allies were liberating Munich from the oppressive regime of the Third Reich was still repeating the same discourse of nazionalism and the possibility of winning the already lost war.


  149. What makes me profoundly uncomfortable is this hunch that early 21st century Puerto Rico is going through a similar path as early 20th century Hawaii. Eventually native Hawaiians became a minority in their own island. The rest is history. Perhaps a historian, an anthropologist or a sociologist (heck, all three) should investigate the eerie parallels between the two islands at these two junctures in time. What the U.S. could not accomplish through its forced Americanization schemes in the 1920s & 1930s (at that time the only land they were interested in was agricultural land for sugarcane production) it may do through neoliberal activities in real estate, through rampant speculation. After the billionaires, the pioneer-settlers will follow in a new golden rush.
    The outflow of Puerto Ricans may be reciprocated by an inflow of speculators chasing “opportunities.”


  150. What is it that we the people can do to prevent this from taking place? This is wrong, this island belongs to our people. Tell us what we can do to help.


  151. The government in PR has allowed this! Since the people don’t change there officials this is what happens. You need officials that aren’t corrupt and looking to get rich, some that care about their people and the way they live


  152. Gentrification is the word. The island is just dirt to be developed by the people with the financial backing for the folks that can afford it. The population that can’t hack it can move on, like we see everywhere in the world. Of course with idea of the American dream and things will get better. Or like what has happened to me,just get by, because class warfare is global and it didn’t started yesterday.


  153. I think its sad, its like bad karma. Everything the US puts their hands on turns to shit, they just mess it all up. Why the hell does a Republican care about what happens in Puerto Rico. Their dying to get into the island only to take it over and like everything else, screw it all up. Just look st the wonderful job they have done here in the US, haha… Boricuas, es nuestra isla, la tenemon que cuidar…..


  154. I thought the same thing when I realized that he was from SC!! Racism, confederate flag, etc. But, then again, who is really capable of administering and managing PR’s affairs? Do you know?
    After reading your book, I’ve realized, reading this post, that they are doing it again …. sounds like the land grab, the sugar empire, the imposition of the English language, the playground for the rich back then. It’s all over again … suffocating the life out again if our country. This makes me so angry and upset. I wish I was younger, I wish I knew about this before. I’m one of the many who left the Island. I’m one of the many who grew up thinking America was the “great benefactor”.
    I wonder now …. are our hands tied? What can I do? We can’t just sit and take it?
    Is there anyone, anywhere left who can inspire the Puerto Ricans to fight this ever present “yolk”?

    On another note … have you seen this?

    This is the evidence of that mass migration! PR are taking over Central Florida. They have a man made lake called “La Laguna de San Juan” ….

    Don’t have the right words to say how important your book is … maybe it will inspire some feelings of love for PR and desire to stop Goliath!
    Abrazos!! Horty ….. hugs!!


  155. En borinqen va a pasar lo que ests pasando con greecia por lomenos en grecia la gente esta protestanstando en borin22quen esta todo el pueblo esperendo los copones de alimento en sus CASAS VIENDONOVELAS, WARNING SI los republicanos ganan camara y senado muchas coasa van a cambiar enborinquen no eas anagotau boricua abre tus ojos los dominicamos chinos mexicanos cubasnos y tantos otros se estan quwdando con nuestra patria y a ti que irte a florida donde el dinero loregala micky mouse.

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  156. Dr. Rex,

    I think this could get really serious, really quickly.

    I have NO CONFIDENCE in a “Financial Control Board” that is substantially administered by a Republican congressman from a Confederate state that still flies the Confederate flag over its Capitol building, and shoots nine black Christians during their Sunday prayers.

    Since when did South Carolina acquire the moral standing, or intellectual capacity, to “manage” and “administer” Puerto Rico’s affairs?

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  157. Wow…This is just BS…just like in the 70’s and 80’s..they use to say that Puerto Rico can’t become an State because we would have taxes…guess what..you got taxes the biggest tax of any state and Puerto Rico is not even a state…
    The only responsible for the situation in the island are the governors that received federal aids for specific items and use the money in whatever they want other than its original purpose…
    If the Island becomes a state all the financial BS that is happening would stop, the police, fireman, teachers would have better pay as any other state and everything would eventually be much better…ask yourself why most of those who leave the island never return to live only to visit?

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  158. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    This is history repeating itself!! Once again, the USA is “taking over” the Island. The same way it took over in 1898, after the Spanish American War and slowly but steadily took over the economy, culture, language & so much more.
    Once again squeezing the life out of a country! Puerto Rico has been incapacitated by American “rule” … castrated and squashed into subservience.
    America is no benefactor. America is a ruthless tyrant!
    Wake up Puerto Rico! Wake up …. someone needs to “channel” El Maestro!!!!

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